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Community Chest Grants

What is the Community Chest?

The Community Chest is grant funding available to voluntary and community sector groups, charities and public sector bodies wishing to further improve quality of life in South Cambridgeshire.

Grant applications are discussed at the Grants Advisory Committee.

The GrantGrabber Service is now available as a self-serve facility for any voluntary and community groups and Parish Councils wishing to search for funding opportunities for community projects.

The scheme enables users to search online for a wide range of funding sources and other information.

Apply online for a Community Chest Grant

Streams of funding

The Community Chest is made up of 4 streams of funding:

Community Chest funding: Community Chest

Amount available 2024-25: £59,160
Who can apply?
Community Group (including CIC): Yes
Parish/Town Council or Parish Meeting with fewer than 200 registered electors: Yes
Parish/ Town Council of any size: No

Community Chest funding: Biodiversity Grants

Amount available 2024-25: £10,200
Who can apply?
Community Group (including CIC): Yes
Parish/Town Council or Parish Meeting with fewer than 200 registered electors: Yes
Parish/Town Council of any size: Yes

Community Chest funding: Community-Led Plans

Amount available 2024-25: £43,249
Who can apply?
Community Group (including CIC): Yes
Parish/Town Council or Parish Meeting with fewer than 200 registered electors: Yes
Parish/Town Council of any size: Yes

Community Chest funding: Cost-Of-Living

Amount available 2024-25: £11,324.12
Who can apply?
Community Group (including CIC): Yes
Parish/Town Council or Parish Meeting with fewer than 200 registered electors: Yes
Parish/Town  Council of any size: Yes

Who can apply?

Applicants must be either:

  • a non-profit group or organisation (including Community Interest Companies, CIC) based in South Cambridgeshire or benefiting South Cambridgeshire residents, or be a public sector body with a demonstrable community focus (individuals and businesses are not eligible)
  • a Parish/Town Council or Parish Meeting with fewer than 200 registered electors*, with the exemption of:
    • Parish/Town Councils of any size can apply for funding for costs involved in the undertaking, creation or refreshing of a Community-Led Plan (Parish Plan). This does not cover the costs of delivering projects emerging from a Community-led Plan (further details below)
    • Parish/Town Councils of any size can apply for biodiversity grants through this fund provided that they are not already in receipt of a grant from the Council’s Zero Carbon Communities grant fund
    • Parish/Town Councils of any size can apply for grants that provide a benefit to those affected by the cost-of-living crisis.

*The Committee reserves the right to supersede this clause should the Parish/Town Council or Parish Meeting show good cause, for example:

a) The Parish/Town Council or Parish Meeting have multiple settlements and the application pertains to any one of these which satisfies the 200-elector threshold or

b) Registered electors are within 10% of the threshold.

In addition to the above, applicants must also:

  • Have a written constitution or mission statement
  • Have an elected committee or representative steering group
  • Be able to provide an up-to-date copy of their accounts and any relevant protection policies

If you have questions about these criteria, please contact us using the details below.  

If your organisation does not have a written constitution, mission statement and/or relevant protection policies please contact Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service for advice in meeting these requirements.  Please call 01223 464 696 or email

The community activity or project must:

  • Meet local need and leave a legacy for the community
  • Ensure equality of access 

Help us deliver 1 or more of the following aims:

  • Promote healthy and active communities
  • Enable inclusive communities
  • Develop skills
  • Enhance the natural environment/a sustainable increase in local biodiversity
  • Deliver community engagement through the creation or refreshing of a Community-led Plan
  • Provide a benefit to those affected by the cost-of-living crisis


The activity or project should be one of the following:

  • Improvements to community buildings and spaces (for example, village halls/pavilions/play areas, and so forth)
  • Repairs to Historic Buildings/Monuments/Memorials
  • Equipment/Capital Purchase
  • Materials
  • ‘Start-up’ costs (may include training of staff/volunteers, hall hire and other revenue costs)
  • Costs involved with undertaking and creating or refreshing of a Community-Led Plan (resulting projects will only receive funding where they would have been eligible for the Community Chest anyway)
  • Regarding cost-of-living projects, examples could include -

    • repair cafés where the local community can help in getting household items fixed for free
    • Timebanking projects (an exchange-based work trading system in which hours are the currency, instead of money)
    • lunch clubs for those in need (excludes the cost of food)
    • Community support initiatives that provide food/ activities/ support services/ educate individuals on reducing food waste and cooking low-cost meals
    • setting up/running a group or charity where people can obtain free furniture, clothing, food, toys. Free, impartial legal guidance can be found on the Business Companion website
    • establishing or building the capacity of food hubs, food banks, or community fridges
    • Capital costs needed to set up a warm hub (excluding warm hubs run by Cambridgeshire ACRE and any ongoing revenue costs, for example, heating costs)
  • For biodiversity projects: 
    • The purchase and planting of native trees
    • Hedgerows, wildflower meadows or other vegetation in appropriate and suitable locations and their ongoing maintenance
    • The construction and erection of bird and bat boxes in suitable locations
    • The creation or improvement of wildlife habitats (terrestrial or aquatic)
    • The improvement of existing habitat

The following cannot be funded by this grant: 

  • on-going revenue costs or overheads, for example, salaries, rent, advertising, promotional materials. The exceptions to this are:
    • the creation of Community-led Plans (revenue costs associated with the resulting projects will not be funded)
    • Cost-of-living projects (revenue costs cannot be used to cover the cost of food or the ongoing costs needed to run a warm hub, such as heating costs)
  • activities, events or services which have already taken place, including staff development time
  • Projects that replace funding by other public sector bodies, including Parish/Town councils (for example youth services, highways)
  • projects that have not received the support of all local District Councillor(s) for the ward/s concerned. Please ensure when contacting your local District Councillor(s) that they are all provided with full details of your project or a copy of your application form
  • costs associated with Neighbourhood Watch schemes
  • costs associated with Community Speedwatch schemes or other traffic initiatives
  • items that would only benefit ‘individuals’ and not the group (for example, sports kits)
  • non-native flower tubs
  • infrastructure projects on Parish/Town Council owned buildings/land where the applicant is not the Parish/Town Council. There are some infrastructure exceptions, in which case, a 50% financial contribution from the Parish/Town council is expected. These exceptions are:  
    • Any biodiversity project
    • Any cost of living project
    • Any project where the applicant has a long-term lease (with at least 10 years remaining) in place with the Parish/Town council
    • Any project that does not have a major impact on the fabric of a building or structure of the land. For example, the installation of new blinds, planters or seating areas.

Within the Community Chest, infrastructure projects are defined as those which alter the structure/fabric of a building or land. This includes elements such as walls, flooring, roofs or paths. In certain circumstances where the life of the infrastructure change is not expected to be 10 years, applications could still be considered by the Grants Advisory Committee.

The maximum award is £2,000 in any single financial year (April to March) and can be for 100% of project costs.

If a group is awarded funding of less than £2,000 in any single financial year, an application can be made again within the same year for extra funding, as long as the total allocation for that year does not exceed £2,000.

If a group is awarded funding of up to and including £2,000, for any of the Community Chest themes in any single financial year, they can apply again within the same year for up to and including £2,000, for funding of other Community Chest themes.

If a group is awarded funding of up to and including £2,000, for any of the Community Chest themes in any single financial year, they can also apply for any other Council funded grants within the same financial year, and vice versa.

Where appropriate, applicants are encouraged to seek part-funding from other sources including their Parish/Town council. There is no requirement for this, but if there is high demand for funding, it may mean that the District Council is only able to make a contribution to your project.

The Council reserves the right to prioritise based on funding available, size of electorate, Parish/Town precept, indices of deprivation, number and type of applications received at any given time, priorities for the financial year and value for money.  Eligibility does not guarantee grant funding. 

Subject to availability of funds, successful applicants will be funded after each Grant's Advisory Committee (GAC) meeting. Applications will need to be received by the seventh day of any given month to be considered at the Grant's Advisory Committee meeting within the same month. This also applies at the end of each financial year - applications received after 7 March will be held over and considered within the new financial year (at April GAC), along with any held over from the March meeting itself. 

Upcoming meeting dates can be found on the Council’s Grant's Advisory Committee webpage.

We will always ask applicants to seek a green option when purchasing items for their projects and this must be evidenced within the application.

For example, a group may be looking to purchase a new minibus for their community. We would expect the group to evidence and include market research with their application demonstrating that a similar electrically powered vehicle has been considered. However, if the electric alternative is not within price range, or would not be fit for purpose this must be explained before we would consider contributing towards an alternative.

For biodiversity projects: planting of trees, hedgerows, wildflower meadows or other vegetation must be native. The construction and erection of bird and bat boxes must be in suitable locations. 

Natural Cambridgeshire have produced a useful Local Nature Recovery Toolkit which provides guidance, advice and support for Communities wanting to create nature recovery plans.

To support your application, you will need:

  • a copy of your organisation’s constitution or mission statement
  • a copy of your latest accounts (audited if available)
  • a quote for the community activity or project
  • a copy of your safeguarding policy
  • a copy of any correspondence from your local District Councillor(s) showing they are supportive of your project
  • a bank statement for the account you wish the funds to be paid into. Statement but be dated within the last month
  • applications for funding towards the creation of Community-led Plans that are not made by the Parish/Town Council itself should demonstrate that the Parish / Town Council is supportive of the application

For biodiversity projects please include:

  • a plan of the proposed work, including a project map and project outcomes
  • a timeline of the proposed work indicating mileposts and delivery date
  • a brief management plan which describes how the project will be sustainable

For Community-led Plan applications, details should be supplied of any funding being allocated by the Parish / Town Council to the creation of the Plan.

In addition, the following will be required if relevant to the project:

  • appropriate protection policies: children, young people, vulnerable adults
  • public Rights of Way consent from landowner
  • any other relevant material that would support your application

If successful, the applicant will receive the grant payment once we have received acknowledgement of the grant offer and acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Groups that are awarded a grant will be expected to comply with the following conditions as a minimum:

  • funding must only be used for the agreed purpose and spent within 12-months of the award being made (unless otherwise agreed in writing)
  • any publicity must acknowledge the award provided
  • unused grant must be returned to South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC)
  • an end of project evaluation must be submitted to us within 3-months of project completion
  • defibrillators - only the cost of defibrillators will be funded through the Community Chest Grant scheme and the associated accessories and ongoing maintenance/training (the provision of which the Committee will want assurance) will be funded by the applicant

Defibrillators must be located where they can be accessed by the public at all times and Defib Finder provides up to date information on defibrillator locations across the UK, using data from The Circuit, the national defibrillator network.

  • projects on Parish/Town Council owned buildings/land - applicants will be expected to demonstrate that the same organisation will be purchasing, owning and maintaining the equipment/items (for example where a Parish/Town council owns a building, a community group using that building cannot apply for funding if they would not be owning and maintaining the purchased equipment/items)

For biodiversity projects:

  • the project must deliver a sustainable increase in local biodiversity, known as Biodiversity Net Gain. An increase means that you should be able to demonstrate positive change in biodiversity from pre-project conditions (for example: number of trees, number of square metres of land - either created or improved)
  • sustainability means that it should persist over time and not be a temporary change

Any award will not be means tested, but applicants will be expected to have sought other means of local funding, especially from the parish council who may have funds available through planning developments (S106) or through its precept (S137).

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Amount awarded


July 2024

Duxford Community Centre CIO


Bicycle racks

July 2024

Hale Road Allotment & Gardening Association


Purchase of a container to store a tractor mower

July 2024

Fenland Squash Club


Refurbishment work on two of the courts

June 2024

Weston Colville Reading Room and Recreation Ground


Two fence mounted interactive play panels

June 2024

Linton Village Cricket Club


Replacement sight screens

June 2024

Cambourne Church 


IBC tanks to collect rainwater from the roof

June 2024

Gamlingay Leisure (Community Gym & MUGA)


Replacement chest press

June 2024

Cambridge Online


Refurbished laptops, tablets, and reconditioned telephones for those in need.


April 2024

Little Shelford Cricket Club (LSCC)


Cricket cage/net to benefit all playing members of the club

April 2024

Bar Hill Community Association


After-school club, based on the First Lego League. STEM Coaching

April 2024


1st Hardwick and Highfields Scout Group


Improvements to the insulation and durability of the Scout hut

April 2024

Bar Hill Memorial Garden Project


Replacement of 72 Upright sleepers in the Memorial Garden

March 2024

Hope Against Poverty CIC


Shelving for Mobile Food Van

March 2024

Reach Community Projects


Assisting people with applications for benefits & food vouchers

March 2024

Cambourne Church - Harbour Project


Training for volunteers who will offer bereavement counselling to all via the new Bereavement Café

March 2024

Carlton Parish Council


Purchase of 2 heavy duty garden benches

March 2024

Linton Community Quilt


Provide craft equipment for the Crafty Café sessions

March 2024

Fowlmere Recreation Ground and Village Hall


Remote control blinds to cover to block out sunlight and keep warmth in during winter

March 2024

The George Long Charity for Swavesey Memorial Hall


Replace old curtains with new fire-retardant ones

February 2024

1st Cambourne Scout Group



Replace old tents and other camping equipment

February 2024

Girton Local Nature Recovery Plan Group




Restoration of the Alice Hibbert-Ware Memorial Garden in Girton

February 2024

CamCare UK Cambourne




CambSat space project aimed at secondary school age children

February 2024

Hardwick Pre-School




Improvements to the outside area giving the children a better outdoor space

January 2024

St Nicholas Church Parochial Church Council Great Wilbraham




Secure shed made from recyclable steel to house grass mower

January 2024

Litlington Parish Council



 Community Led Plan


November 2023 

Waterbeach and Landbeach Action for Youth


Cooking project using ‘waste food’ showing how to make nutritious and low-cost food

October 2023


Active with Parkinson's Cambs




Start-up costs for a seated exercise classes for people with Parkinson’s disease

October 2023

Melbourn Community Hub Management Group



To improve and upgrade the external spaces around the Melbourn Hub

September 2023

Sawston Youth Group




Laser tag and nerf gun equipment for the group


September 2023

Sew Positive




Community Workshops

September 2023

Emmaus Cambridge




Mobile gym sessions for residents

September 2023






Funding towards Bass belle 10 Miler in Bassingbourn

August 2023

Huntingdon & Northstowe Hockey Club



Safety and training equipment

August 2023

The Farmland Museum




New fridge for Café


August 2023

Marvell Green Management Company




The enhancement of an existing wildlife corridor

August 2023

Swavesey Spartans Football Club




Substitutes Bench for the 3G pitch

August 2023

Gamlingay School's Out Club




Commercial gazebo and leg weights for use at children’s summer club.


August 2023

Cambourne Town Football Club




Start-up costs for a community football kit exchange

August 2023

Abington Village Institute




Replacement of outdoor decking

August 2023

Milton Outdoor Bowls Club




Bowls Gatherers

August 2023

1st Comberton Scout Group




Replacement storage container

July 2023

Bar Hill Village Hall




To replace the existing hall floor


July 2023

The Well-brahams




Multisport and mindfulness sessions for children aged 4- 11

July 2023

Cottenham Community Centre



Materials for the Knit & Natter group

July 2023

EDGE Community Youth Club




Craft equipment to enhance and encourage safe space conversations

July 2023

Swavesey Parish Council




Biodiversity project for 5 large, raised planters to create a community garden

June 2023

Great Chishill Windmill Trust CIO




To purchase and install an additional picnic table and bench

June 2023

The Papworth Team Ministry




Summer Club for senior citizens

June 2023

Cambridge Open Art Exhibition




Display boards and display equipment

June 2023

Melbourn Dynamos Football Club




Two sets of metal goals, first aid kits and a quantity of match balls.


June 2023

Fowlmere Community Led Plan




To undertake a community wide survey


June 2023

Cottenham United Colts FC




11v11 set of goals.

For further information please see our Community-Led Plan toolkit page or email us on

Contact Details