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Sport Health And Wellbeing

Community emergency planning

How would you cope in an emergency situation?

If there is a major emergency affecting wide areas the emergency services will attend to the most vulnerable first. Being prepared and knowing what to do in an emergency can limit the impact of the emergency on you, your family and the community and help the recovery process.

We’ve teamed up with the other agencies to prepare some advice for local residents and businesses about how to get prepared. The information is hosted on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Prepared website. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Prepared also use a community risk register, which helps us to assess the threats and risks to South Cambridgeshire and plan for the response and recovery should an incident occur.

There are two easy things your community can do to prepare for the unexpected, one is having a simple family emergency plan and the other is making an emergency box containing some basic items such as:

  • tinned or non-perishable foods (ideally food that does not need to be cooked)
  • bottled water
  • torch (and spare batteries)
  • radio
  • sandbags (if you are in a flood risk area)

Download Preparing for emergencies: What you need to know, a government booklet that tells you what to do in an emergency.

Parish emergency planning

In case the emergency services couldn't get to you immediately, a parish emergency plan should be in place for your community. 

A parish emergency plan

  • Reassures your community and gives confidence to your parish
  • Allows organisation and co-ordination of a community response to an emergency
  • Provides your community, emergency services and local authority with a local point of contact and assistance
  • Helps to keep your community informed so people know what to do and are able to respond, especially in the first critical hours following an incident
  • Helps those that are vulnerable by providing care, support, and information or practical help.
  • Represents the community and assist with community recovery

Communities should also spread the word about the free Priority Service Register for elderly and vulnerable people who may need more support during a power cut. Every resident over the age of 60 is eligible to join the register, as are residents with a disability, who are visually or hearing impaired, are chronically ill or dependent on medical equipment, or have young babies.

Useful documents

Parish Emergency Plan Template

Parish Emergency Plan Guidance Document

What to do in an emergency

  • if you're a witness, dial 999
  • if you're stranded in your home, tune in to your local radio or television station for advice. Listen out for emergency telephone numbers.
  • use social media to find out what local public services are saying.

Pass on any warning to neighbours, and check on the elderly and disabled, if it's safe to do so. Try to limit your telephone calls.

Animals and pets

Pets should be kept under cover, but do not go looking for your cat or dog if it is out when the emergency is announced. They can be cared for when the emergency is over. Do not touch any animals that have been outside.

If you need to go back to a restricted area to feed or care for livestock or horses contact the police, who will make the necessary arrangements.