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Draft Greater Cambridge Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document

Name Draft Greater Cambridge Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document
Description The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service on behalf of Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are producing a Supplementary Planning Document and are inviting comments, via public consultation. The Supplementary Planning Document is intended to provide further information and detailed guidance on policies in the Councils’ current Local Plans (2018). The guidance will provide developers and infrastructure providers with clearer expectations for their schemes coming forward. This aims to streamline the planning process and ultimately lead to higher quality developments across Greater Cambridge.
Start date 28/11/2024
Closing date 24/01/2025

This draft Supplementary Planning Document addresses the impact of development on health and wellbeing. It outlines how developers should promote healthy and sustainable living environments and consider factors like safety, access to green spaces, and climate change when designing projects.