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Information and statistics for South Cambridgeshire district

South Cambridgeshire Population Report

2021 census for South Cambridgeshire

Changes in South Cambridgeshire in the last 2 censuses, 2011 and 2021, is covered in a summary from the Office for National Statistics.

Here are some of the highlights:

Population age and numbers

Between 2001 and 2011, the population of South Cambridgeshire rose by 9%, from about 148,800 in 2011 to 162,100 in 2021. This compares with an 8.3% population increase in the East of England and a 6.6% increase across England.

The number of people aged 65 to 74 rose by about 3,400 (an increase of 26.2%). The number of residents between 20 and 24 fell by about 850 (a 12.0% decrease). The average age in South Cambridgeshire rose by 1 year, from 41 to 42.

Religion and national identity

In 2021, 9.5% of South Cambridgeshire residents did not identify with any national identity linked to the UK. This number rose from 6.8% in 2011.

In 2021, 43.3% of South Cambridgeshire residents said they had "no religion." This number rose from 30.1% in 2011. This rise of 13.3 percentage points was the biggest increase of all major religious groups in South Cambridgeshire. In 2021, 45.3% of people in South Cambridgeshire said they were Christian. This number is down from 58.8% in 2011. About 6.7% did not state their religion (down from 8.2% the decade before).

Marriage and civil partnership

In 2021, 30.2% of South Cambridgeshire residents aged 16 years and over said they were not married or in a civil partnership. This number is higher from 27.7% in 2011. 

House ownership and renting

In 2021, 68.9% of South Cambridgeshire households owned their homes, down from 70.3% in 2011. In 2021, 14% rented privately, up from 12% in 2011. The percentage of South Cambridgeshire households renting social property rose from 14.3% to 14.5%.

The Office for National Statistics is always releasing new insights. You can explore data that interests you more by looking at census maps. You can also build a custom area profile to show data of interest.

Health Profile

South Cambridgeshire Health Profile 2019