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Tell us about a change in your circumstances

On this page you find out about: 

Changes you must tell us about

You have to tell us immediately if there is a change in your circumstances or anyone included in your claim has had a change in circumstances, this includes:

If you or someone in your home:

  • becomes a student
  • joins a youth training scheme
  • goes into hospital or moves to a nursing home
  • goes to prison

If any of your children:

  • leave school
  • move out of the home

If someone new moves in or out:

  • this includes people who rent a room or stay with you (subtenants and boarders)

If you or someone in your home financial situation changes, this includes:

  • income (and benefit changes)
  • capital, savings or investments change

If you or anyone in your household work situation changes, this includes:

  • changing jobs
  • changing how many hours you or they work
  • if your rent changes
  • if you move to a new home
  • if you or your partner will be away for more than 4 weeks
  • if you pay for childcare and the amount you have to pay changes

For most changes you will need to provide proof so that we can reassess your benefit. At the end of the form below you will be told what evidence we need.

Report a change in circumstances

When you need to tell us of your changes

You must tell us within a month of your change in circumstance happening. If your new circumstances mean you get more money from your benefit, you could risk losing out if you don’t tell us straight-away.

If your new circumstances mean you would get less money from your benefit, you should still tell us within a month. To reduce the likelihood of being overpaid, please do tell us straight-away.

Who else you need to tell about your changes

Department of Work and Pensions

If you get Universal Credit, Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance or any other social security benefit, you need to tell the Department of Work and Pensions about your change immediately.

If you have moved, we always check if you are getting these benefits at your new address. However, if the Department of Work and Pensions don't know that you've moved, it might hold up your claim with us.

It is an offence not to tell us about a change in your circumstances that affects your benefit. We may take further action against you if we consider that you have committed an offence.

Tell the Department of Work and Pensions of a change in circumstance


If you know someone who is claiming benefit when they shouldn’t be, you can report this online or via the Fraud Hotline.