Waterbeach Community Forum
The Waterbeach Community Forum is a good opportunity for the developers and public sector bodies to engage with residents and community groups about the new town at Waterbeach.
The forum usually starts with an hour-long drop-in session, where the public get to meet representatives from the developers and District Council planners. Here they can get a better understanding of the current stage of development and what the new town may look and feel like.
Following this, there's a more formal meeting with presentations and questions, where stakeholders present their plans and vision for the new town. Time is also set aside at the end for any questions that may arise from the presentation.
Sign up to hear more about Waterbeach
Next meeting date: Tuesday 18 March
Time: Drop-in from 6pm
Venue: Waterbeach Baptist church
To ensure that there is a reduced chance of issues on the day, please ensure that you have the most up to date version of Microsoft Teams installed on your device, as well as a suitable and verified login to the Microsoft Teams service. Links to the most up to date versions can be found below.
If you would like to ask a question or would like a specific topic or theme discussed, please email this request to waterbeach.community@scambs.gov.uk.
Waterbeach Community Forum Terms of Reference
- to provide residents and stakeholders with regular updates regarding strategic development sites;
- to provide an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to share their interests / concerns with relevant council officers, including those from the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service (‘Planning’) and Sustainable Communities and Wellbeing (‘Communities’) teams, Elected Members, developers and other key stakeholders such as Cambridgeshire County Council and Anglian Water.
Scope and purpose
- The developments covered by this forum are Waterbeach New Town.
- To provide regular, accurate and timely information to residents regarding the above developments.
- To offer an opportunity for residents to raise issues of interest or concern for existing and new communities with a view to enhancing the quality of community life and the environment in the wider Waterbeach area.
- For council officers to share issues raised by residents with relevant parties and report back responses and / or that appropriate action has been taken.
- To provide information and signposting on planning and growth matters.
- To provide an opportunity for developer/s, residents, community groups, elected members and council officers to engage with each other.
- From time to time, to provide opportunities for residents to be consulted and involved in the planning, co-design and management of associated facilities and services.
- The forum does not have decision-making powers and cannot be held accountable for growth and related issues.
- Minor developments may be covered by this forum from time to time, but the developments listed above will take priority.
Structure, management and format
- The forum will be chaired by Cllr Anna Bradnam.
- There will be a maximum of 4 ‘open to all’ formal meetings a year, where appropriate, and other forms of engagement where necessary.
- Venues, where appropriate, will be spread around the different catchment area/s for the new development(s) to ensure all residents have an opportunity to attend.
- The frequency and format of individual meetings will be determined by senior Planning and Communities officers in consultation with the Chair based on the progress of each specific development.
- Meeting dates will be set, wherever possible, on a rolling basis a year in advance.
- Where development sites straddle Local Authority boundaries, the tasks of organising and chairing the events will be shared between South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council (‘shared forums’).
- A range of methods will be used to deliver the forum. The most appropriate format will be chosen for the meeting in consultation with attendees and in accordance with the circumstances and government guidance available at the time, that is to say in person forums (which will include drop-ins), virtual meetings or a hybrid of these. For virtual meetings Zoom Webinar will be used.
Communication and publicity
- A range of measures will be used to communicate to residents about the forums, including local advertising via flyers, web page, existing parish publications, email and social media.
- For shared forums, online content will be available on both South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council’s websites.
- Where possible and practicable, officers at each Council will upload content within 10 days.
- A rolling agenda will be posted online so residents are aware of proposed future topics for discussion.
- Questions will be posted online so that attendees can see the issues that have been raised and addressed at past meetings.
- Presentations, notes and recordings of the meetings will be published online.
- A distribution list will be developed and maintained based on registered forum attendees and any others wishing to be kept informed. A registration form will be available on the relevant forum’s web page/s.
- Surveys and feedback mechanisms will be employed from time to time to ensure forums are meeting residents’ needs and to facilitate continuous improvement.
- Agendas will be published no later than 7 days prior to the meeting.
Lead Officer
Ryan Coetsee - Development Officer (North), Sustainable Communities and Wellbeing
Code of Conduct
Valuing diversity
All delegates attending Forum events must undertake to:
- Treat all people with respect and act in a way which does not discriminate against or exclude anyone
- Act in a fair and responsible way to all
Collective responsibility
All people coming to Forum events agree by their presence that they will:
- Observe the authority of the Chair or facilitator at all times
- Listen quietly to and respect the views and experiences of other people contributing
- Agree to and follow the standard of behaviour expected at each event, according to what is happening at that event (e.g. no interrupting or shouting)
- Allow others to have equal opportunity and time to share their opinions
- Not use inflammatory language or behaviour of any kind
If the above values are not met during a meeting or event, the Chair, facilitator or nominated officer may take one or more of the following steps with the objective of restoring order.
Any person making offensive, insulting, threatening, provocative, slanderous or obscene remarks, or who becomes boisterous, or who threatens or harasses any person or property while at a Forum event, will cause the event to be suspended for the shortest period needed to allow order to be restored.
Any person or people causing an event to be interrupted by reason of behaviours identified above, who does so more than once, can be asked to leave the event by the Chair or staff at the event. This can be for a specific length of time to allow the person or people to cool off or for the rest of the meeting or event, depending on the judgement of the Chair or staff present.
Where the Chair believes that:
- The event has become unmanageable, unnecessarily interrupted, harassed or hindered more than once by the same person or people
- There has been behaviour which threatens the safety of him or herself or others present, the Chair may opt to suspend the meeting or event until order is restored or to end the meeting, or event, if they feel that it is appropriate
- Any person or persons causing through their behaviour, any other individual or individuals present at a Forum event to fear for their personal safety may be subject to immediate removal from the event and/or the event premises
Previous meetings
Q&A and recordings will be uploaded within 2 weeks following each event. Presentations are available on request using the contact email below.
October 2024
Planning Update – Mike Huntingdon
Mike gave a brief history of the development:
- 2018 - South Cambridgeshire Local Plan - allocated for development
- 2019 – Supplementary Planning Document approved - prepared to guide a comprehensive approach to the new town’s development and the provision of infrastructure across the whole site
- 2020 - Construction started on western part of the site
- 2023 - First residents
2 developers:
- Urban&Civic
- RLW Estates
He then went on to identify the wider allocation of land uses (slides 9-12):
- Parks
- Schools (orange children symbols)
- Local centres (red circles with numbers 1-4 in them)
- Main road network (dark blue lines)
- Train station (station symbol)
Mike then focussed on the first phase of development – Key Phase 1 – and provided a slide to explain the uses within that phase (slide 13).
Considering how town centres are struggling up and down the country. How do you picture this town centre looking?
Town centre - this is a very difficult question to answer as retail is changing so much. We have to think about the new town's catchment, where people might go if they live in the new town for other things (such as Cambridge, Ely or online), what the future might hold for retail, will the town centre be a 'destination' that people might visit. There is a requirement in the outline planning permission for a Town Centre Development Framework (TCDF) and Town Centre Economic Development Plan (TCEDP), secured by planning condition no. 12.
Is there a trigger for health and retail uses?
Health and retail uses - there is no trigger for retail uses, other than as described in condition 12 above. For health, there is more than one trigger. Interim trigger - 250 dwellings. Health facilities strategy trigger - 800 dwellings. It will provide a 'strategy for the provision of the Health Facilities on the Site no later than the Health Facilities Trigger in order to secure provision of (whether or not additional facilities are also provided) an effective NHS primary health service for the benefit of the residents of the Development, the Wider Site and existing residents of the village of Waterbeach'. The trigger is 1600 dwellings.
In relation to the station, what was the reason for dropping the larger car park as there were 2 car parks in the original design?
For the relocated station car parking - it is anticipated that there will be two car parks, one to the north and one to the south of the station. The south car park has planning permission as part of the separate planning approval for the station, to serve the village. A north car park will form part of the detailed design of the station area to serve the new town, and this will come forward in due course.
RLW Estates – Tim Deacon
RLW Estates is a joint venture between Royal London, Turnstone Estates and St John’s College. Turnstone Estates is a major shareholder in Waterbeach Development Company (WDC) and are acting as both promoter and landowner for Waterbeach New Town East.
RLWE were given a resolution to grant planning permission, subject to the signing of a section 106 agreement, in January 2021. Since then, they have been negotiating settlement planning conditions with various stakeholders in order to get the section 106 agreement signed. They anticipate this to be completed imminently and for the Greater Cambridge Planning Service to be able to issue a Planning Decision Notice soon.
One of WDC’s responsibilities in delivering the railway station, apart from delivering the land for the Railway Station, is to provide the construction haul road. See slide 3 for indicative location. This will be done by means of a planning application to obtain temporary use of the land. As per the image on the slide, the orange route is on Urban&Civic land and the blue route is on RLWE land.
RLW will likely be making a further planning application for a pumping station which will be situated adjacent to the relocated railway station - indicative image on slide 4. This station is intended to remove all the foul drainage water from the east of the new town, some of the west, south through either Milton or Honey Hill – depending on the outcome of the Anglian Water Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation DCO (Development Consent Order).
The delivery of the pumping station is the responsibility of Anglian Water, and it replaces the existing water treatment works to the north, allowing that land to be released in accordance with the master plan.
What measures are being put in place to mitigate footfall at the adjacent SSSI site and protect this important green asset? Will RLWE be providing funding for this transition to be better managed?
Waterbeach Development Company will look at the detail of this as the design develops.
At the new station - will there be separate car parks for the village and new town so existing village residents have their own access?
It is the ambition to provide this for the existing village.
Will there be any varying to the conditions in the original planning agreement? Namely, conditions 17 & 22.
No. There is unlikely to be any varying of conditions.
Urban&Civic – Fiona Reardon-Rose
Development update - 74 Homes now occupied, with more sold and due to be occupied in the coming weeks. Earthworks for next phase of homes have begun by the lake which will be ongoing until spring 2025. We are finalising contracts for next parcels which include homes, interim health space and a convenience store.
Transport - Mere Way, Cycle Path and A10 Bridge are interconnected. We are currently finalising contract for the bridge provider and expect work to commence later this year. Phase 1 of Mere Way is complete, and phase 2 will begin shortly. We are working closely with GCP to ensure the Park & Ride and busway align. Additionally, we are continuing discussions with partners at GCP and RLW to prepare for the access / haul road for the station move.
Bike hire is now available on site – bikes available outside Sports Hall and in Travel Hub. Bikes are free for first 45 minutes of hire. Smart Journeys are working to deliver active travel incentives including free bike servicing and lights for residents. The shuttle bus service is being designed to start in spring 2025 to help residents access peak commuter time trains. IN the interim we are running a free taxi service.
Deneia Academy Primary School
We continue to work with the County Council to deliver the primary school in time for when it is needed - we are currently working towards a September 2026 delivery.
We are working with the village school to ensure capacity as well as safe and easy access for our residents by bike, bus, walking or car. The school will be run by Anglian Learning and the executive headteacher is Rachael Johnston. For any queries about places at the school please visit: deneiaprimary.org or email enquiries@deneiaprimary.org
Community spaces continue to be well used with over 45 regular monthly groups and one-off events. Café has moved to winter opening hours: Sat and Sun, from 9am to 5pm. Regular events for the community include painting by the lake and monthly wellness walks continue first Tuesday of the month at 1pm. We are meeting with Cambridge Sports Lake Trust next week to explore Summer 2025 lake activities – evolving these from the lessons learnt this summer.
Are there any plans to bring forward the trigger for the Humphrey’s Way junction improvement works? This junction is a considerable safety hazard with emergency services being called out regularly.
This is a complex issue. The intervention designed for that junction is one of capacity not safety – which has influenced the trigger of 300 homes. This is a live issue for us and are actively engaging in talks with County Highways as we need to understand if the design on capacity grounds will be suitable for safety grounds, which we suspect if might be. Additionally, there is a gas main which will be quite costly to move. We are trying to move forward at pace with this issue but there is a fundamental funding gap which is preventing meaningful progress.
What is the affordable housing rate on site at the moment and how are you meeting your responsibility moving forward?
We are meeting our on-going requirement for affordable housing on a phase-by-phase basis. This is being monitored by South Cambs District Council, and if we fail to meet the requirement, we will suffer penalties, for example, not being granted planning consent on subsequent applications.
Greater Cambridge Partnership
Waterbeach to Cambridge busway - Paul van de Bulk
Currently going through the governance process of Joint Assembly and Executive Board in order to proceed to the next stage, which is to take the Traffics and Works Act Order (TWAO) to County Council for approval and then submit it next year.
Please see slide 2 for updated route alignment.
The consultation focused mainly on environmental impacts, but some design considerations were included.
Amendments to plans as a result of consultation are -
- Drop-off area removed.
- Route alignment changed close to the fishing lakes and now includes agricultural crossing points.
- Bring Mere Way to the south of the travel hub which only has to cross it with the bus route rather than cross the main entrance.
- Working on roundabout for accessing town – working with Urban&Civic on roundabout so it serves the new town and Park & Ride as well as maintain capacity on A10.
- In advance of Full Council, we are looking to confirm the “red line boundary” which will be the planning boundary for the scheme.
- Looking beyond Full Council – we will continue with our survey work across the area with the potential to get onto the park & Ride site to conduct the archaeological survey before Christmas.
- In additional the above, GCP are working with U&C on redesigning Mere Way in the context of the busway.
Will the junction between Butt Lane and Waterbeach Road be safe for cyclists?
A road safety audit will be conducted as part of the planning process and appropriate safety measures will be put in place in accordance with the audit.
Will the service track and busway itself be car free? And will it be secure for residents living either side of it?
Yes, no cars will be able to access either. It will be secured each side through the use of fences, ditches and hedges/trees.
Will the service track have solar studs for cyclists?
How does the existing village connect into all the new transport infrastructure?
Ultimately, the exact transport routes will be defined by the operator. In building the infrastructure, we are doing our best to create flexible routes and junctions in order for the operators to provide the best possible services.
Are you able to plant the hedgerows on the eastern side of the common adjacent to Tithe Barn, to protect future rural views ahead of construction?
We are unable to move ahead with any planting until we have planning permission. This will certainly be a consideration once planning permission is received subject to agreement from the landowner.
Will Milton Park & Ride continue to operate once the new busway is complete?
Our modelling indicates that it will continue to operate in the medium term. We will be monitoring it’s use, and a decision will be taken if there is a dramatic decrease in numbers.
Is there a need to keep the existing Waterbeach station car park?
The proposed extended car park will be accessible to Waterbeach Village residents only. New town residents would have to drive through the village to get to it.
Considering there is already a cycle route adjacent to the busway in Mere Way, why is it necessary to build another? Could we not use the money to build a cycle route to Cottenham for instance?
There is a policy and legal requirement for a service track to run alongside the busway. It’s makes sense to use then use this for active travel purposes as there are not any conflicts of interest within these uses.
Station Relocation – Paul McGuigan
Recap of plan for station –
- 2 platforms, up and down, to accommodate 8-car class 700 trains. There will be passive provision to extend this in the future by Network Rail
- Platforms will be built to allow more efficient and safer pedestrian flow; and will be wider and have lifts to allow more accessible access.
- Automatic Selective Door Opening (ASDO) will allow longer trains to stop at the new station,
- Alterations to existing rail infrastructure – overhead lines, signalling and track changes.
- Provision of platform waiting shelters/canopies
- 200 space car park which includes taxi/bus drop-off.
- Cycle storage for 100 cycles on opening, increasing to 450.
- Electric vehicle charging points.
- Improved access from Cody Road to the station
- Highway improvements to Cody Rd / Bannold Rd / Denny End Rd & Bannold Drove
- Future phases will see a new link road providing access to the station directly off the A10 which will reduce traffic through the existing village.
- New Transport Hub and “Railway District” as part of the wider masterplan provision additional facilities for passengers
Current activities
- Completed majority of required surveys apart from ecological, which will be done in the spring.
- Completed preliminary design which is going through assurance process with Network Rail to gain approval in principle.
- Finalising the invitation-to-tender documentation for the design & build contractor.
- Working through station closure appraisal and engagement with Network Rail and Department for Transport
See slide 5 for delivery programme timescales.
Slide 6 shows the indicative haul road for the station construction traffic. This dedicated haul road comes directly off the A10 via the Urban&Civic site avoiding the village. This has been designed by Royal London Waterbeach Estates (RLWE) who are expecting to submit the planning application early in the new year.
Closure of the existing railway station – This is governed by the Railways Act 1993. Guidelines for this process can be found on the government website. It is important to understand that the station will not be closed until the new station is operational. The closure of the station will be proposed by Network Rail as the statutory body as defined by the Railways Act and a statutory consultation period will take place and last 12 weeks. The decision to close a station is made by the Secretary of State for Transport, and further ratified by the Regulatory Body (The Office of Road & Rail) who will issue a final ratification notice.
What safety measures will be installed on Cody Rd to protect pedestrians and cyclists?
Footpaths on Cody Road will be widened as part of the Waterbeach Station scope of works. Traffic calming measures include narrowing and speed cushions to minimise vehicle speed on Way Lane, Cody Road and the access road will also be implemented. Vehicle speeds will be managed with clear priority to cycles.
What measures will be put in place to protect bicycles parked in the station so users will have one to come back to at the end of their journey?
The cycle storage will be in an accessible position within the car park area, close to the station entrance, well-lit and covered by CCTV for security. Position will be selected to avoid conflict with pedestrian traffic. There will be a mixture of storage types such as open racks, lockers and charging facilities. For example, the Double Decker Cycle Stand has its own individual locking loop and doesn’t rest on the stands removing the risk of scratching.
Who has designed the station building and what guarantee is there that it will be high quality design?
A building will be provided at a later stage of the development as part of the wider Master Plan for the Waterbeach New Town East. The new building will be subject to a future planning application. A designer has not been appointed yet.
Considering the eastern half the of the new town will not be developed for many years, did this factor into the benefits assessment for the building of the new station?
The eastern new town development is part of a much wider strategic plan. The Cambridge City Deal is a £500m fund to facilitate the development of new homes, create jobs, and attract additional investment to the local region. The GCP (Greater Cambridge Partnership) is tasked with delivering a programme that is designed to transform the local transport network, increase movement capacity, and address key growth constraints.
The successful realisation of Waterbeach New Town is contingent on the construction of a new railway station. When fully developed, the population of Waterbeach is projected to increase from approximately 2,500 to around 25,000. Without this critical infrastructure, the development cannot reach its full potential.
The proposed eastern new town will unlock 4,500 homes that would normally lack a clear path to completion. The eastern town however aligns with the objectives outlined in the City Deal, supporting both housing and economic growth.
GCP has developed an M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) plan with input from the Centre for Cities. Moving forward, comprehensive data collection will be undertaken to monitor and evaluate the project’s progress and effectiveness in achieving its objectives. In summary, GCP’s assurance process will monitor and evaluate the benefits that are proposed to be delivered during and after the new station is opened.
When will the consultation start?
Construction is currently programmed to start in summer 2026
July 2024
Urban&Civic – Fiona Reardon-Rose
Update presentation [PDF, 1MB]
Development update: We are working hard on Key Phase 1, with earthworks due to begin on the eastern part of the phase in the coming months. We are finalizing contracts for the next parcels, which include further homes, interim health space, community space, and a convenience store. 20 homes are now occupied, including the first apartments. We held our first resident’s meeting, and more homes are due to be handed over to our affordable housing provider, Longhurst, this week.
Health: We are providing design support and funding for 2 additional clinical rooms in the current surgery. We are also providing ongoing support and information to the surgery team. In step 2, we will provide 2 clinical rooms and a reception within the first community building. We will also use the wider community space as needed and hold regular review meetings. A healthy strategy will be in place before the permanent health provision. In step 3, we will provide a permanent bespoke health facility that will serve both the existing village and new residents.
Transport: Transport options are available for the residents of the new development and the surrounding villages. A shuttle service, currently a taxi service, will soon be upgraded to a shuttle bus to help residents catch peak commuter time trains. The Mere Way, Cycle Path and A10 Bridge are interconnected for cyclists and pedestrians. The development is also working closely with GCP partners to ensure park & ride and busway alignment. Bike hire is available on site, with bikes located outside the sports hall and in the travel hub, and free for the first 45 minutes. Additionally, a car-share portal has been launched for new and existing Waterbeach and Landbeach residents: https://liftshare.com/uk
Primary School: The school is due to be delivered by Cambridgeshire County Council, who paused the existing planning application due to concerns around deliverability due to increased construction costs. U&C continue to work closely with the County Council and Trust to open the primary school for our new residents as soon as possible. We are aiming for a September 2026 opening. The school will be run by Anglian Learning, with executive headteacher Rachael Johnston. For any queries about places at the school, please visit deneiaprimary.org or email enquiries@deneiaprimary.org.
Lakeside & Community Spaces: Lakeside & Community Spaces: We have been attracting many visitors and offering various activities. We have run pilot water sports sessions and learned how to improve them for the future. The café, operated by local provider Evolve, is open from Thursday to Sunday and will soon be open every day. The Wild Woods Play Area is a hit with the kids. The community facilities are hosting new sessions such as Roller Derby and Tracks UK. We have also supported the Brownies with their Sports Day and organized monthly Wellness Walks.
What is the definition of “affordable housing”?
The affordable housing tenure at Waterbeach is split into four tenures – Shared Ownership, Rent to Buy, Affordable Rent and Discount Market Sale. The definition is set out by the government and dictates that affordable rent should be set at 20% below local market rent, shared ownership options and homes available at 20% below local market value. Please see the Gov website for the definition of affordable housing
Will there be a two-bed home available under £300k?
Urban&Civic do not set the price of the homes, and the homes are led by the market rate of homes in the area. There are multiple affordable options available, including Discount Market Sale homes, which are specifically for people with a link to the local area. These are available at 80% of the market rate, with a two-bedroom home available for less than £300,000.
How many homes have been built and not sold? Or sold and not occupied?
The homes are built, and then finalised when they have been sold and are ready to be occupied. There are not homes that are sitting empty. The nature of housebuilding is that the speed will fluctuate depending on the rate of sales.
When is the bridge over Mereway scheduled to be completed?
Summer 2025
Anglian Water – Kirstine Morris, Mark Campbell
Presentation – PDF format [PDF, 1.5MB]
The purpose and scope of the project: The project aims to link the flows from Water Beach to the proposed relocation of Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant, which will be decommissioned in the future.
The construction methods and challenges:The project involves laying a 500-metre diameter pipe along a 9-kilometre route, crossing several assets such as railways, rivers, and roads. The project will use a combination of trenchless and conventional cut and cover methods, depending on the site conditions and environmental constraints.
The timeline and status of the project: The project is subject to a development consent order application, which is expected to be decided in October 2024. If approved, the pipe laying works will start in April 2025 and last for about 10 to 12 months. The project is currently in the design and planning stage.
The traffic and customer impacts of the project: The project will have minimal traffic impacts, as most of the materials will be delivered along the working corridor and not through the main roads. There may be some temporary traffic lights or diversions in some sections, which will be communicated to the residents in advance. The project will also have a dedicated customer liaison officer who will be the point of contact for any queries or complaints.
Where will the compound be along Bannold Drove?
Opposite existing works on Bannold Drove.
How long will it take to get materials up to the compound?
To be confirmed
At what depth will the pipe be?
The pipe will have approximately a 1m cover which means the pipe will be approx. 1.5m deep – except at the trenchless crossings where it will be deeper. These depths will be deeper than any farmer would need to furrow.
How far below the bed of the river will you be drilling?
10 – 12m below the bed of the river but, as previously stated, only a metre elsewhere.
Are there any planned footpath closures?
No, all footpaths will remain open with managed crossings.
Will construction traffic access the site through Horningsea?
No, all construction traffic will either come up the “working strip” from the A14, or down from Waterbeach.
Did you consider bringing in materials by river?
No, we did not. But considering the size of the river and the size of the materials, it would be difficult to understand how that would work in practice. There would also need to be an appropriate place to offload the materials.
Did you consider bringing in materials by rail?
This was considered but there were no appropriate locations to offload.
Greater Cambridge Partnership – Paul van de Bulk
Update presentation [PDF, 4MB] [PDF, 4MB]
Introduction: Paul explained the purpose and scope of the consultation was to seek feedback from the public on the potential environmental effects of the proposed busway route, the travel hub, and the maintenance and access track. The consultation is part of the pre-application process, which will inform the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the Transport and Works Act Order. The consultation runs until the 22 July.
The project background and timeline: He gave a brief overview of the previous stages of the project, which started in 2018 with the identification of the need for a rapid public transport system between Waterbeach and Cambridge. The project went through several rounds of consultation on the corridor options, the mode options, and the route options, leading to the selection of the preferred option by the GCP Executive Board in September 2023. The presentation also outlines the expected timeline for the next stages of the project, which include the submission of the transport and works act order in 2025, the public inquiry in late 2025, the start of construction in late 2026, and the completion of the project by the end of 2028.
The scheme overview and design: The presentation shows a map of the proposed busway route, which runs from Waterbeach new town to Milton Road, where it connects to the existing guided busway. The presentation also shows the typical cross sections of the busway, which vary depending on the location and the landscape. The busway will be separated from the maintenance and access track by a wide verge, and will have the possibility of hedges, fences, and ditches on either side. The presentation also describes the design of the travel hub, which will have up to 1600 parking spaces and will be accessed from a new roundabout on the A10. The travel hub will also link to the relocated train station and the new town via a walking and cycling bridge as well as via road.
The environmental considerations: The presentation lists the main environmental aspects that the consultation is seeking feedback on, which include visual impact, noise and vibration, heritage and archaeology, carbon footprint, security measures, construction impact, and biodiversity net gain. The presentation also highlights some of the specific environmental challenges and opportunities along the different sections of the route, such as the proximity to the scheduled monument at Denny Abbey, the potential for archaeological remains, the existing vegetation and wildlife, and the mitigation measures to reduce the impact on the landscape and the local communities.
In the past we have seen issues with quad bikes and motorbikes speeding up and down these paths. Is security an issue that will be addressed in the EIA?
Yes, it is a relevant issue, and we advise residents to respond to the consultation with their concerns.
Where is the new travel hub going to be? How many parking spaces? And what is the land used for currently?
The current land use is agricultural. The new hub will have approx. 1600 parking spaces and the location is to the west of the A10 just south of Emmaus.
Will there be any direct access for residents of Emmaus?
There is no current plan for direct access to Emmaus.
I am concerned with surface water run-off polluting the lakes at Waterbeach Angling Club. There are planned ditches running alongside the new travel hub, but they stop there. Where will the water go after there?
That section of the busway is still subject to further consultation and the alignment is not fixed. We are engaging with landowners and members of the Angling Club.
What impact will construction have on traffic on Denny End Rd and the A10?
The answer to that is unclear, however, the access to the hub will not be from Denny End Rd. We are working with Urban&Civic to design a new access off from the A10 – the southern access into the new town – which will feed into the park and ride sites. It is planned that the southern access roundabout will be built before we build the busway.
When is construction expected to start and when will the project likely be completed?
If all goes well, construction will start in 2026 and be completed in 2028.
Will there be a connection from Waterbeach new town to the transport hub?
Yes. The infrastructure will be there so in theory a bus can come from Cambridge up the A10, go through the transport hub, across the southern access roundabout and through the new town – stopping along the way – and arrive at the relocated railway station.
Will there be a connection from the village to the transport hub?
There will be a walking and cycling bridge over the A10 which will provide a direct link to the travel hub from the new town. In addition to this, there will be active travel links created between the new town and Waterbeach village so, yes, there will be connections between the village and the travel hub. It is unclear what public transport links will look like as these will be determined by a prospective operator.
General Q&A
What viable bus links will there be for older users, of the Waterbeach station, to travel to the relocated station?
There will be a service running from the village into the relocated station. This was a commitment by RLW Estates at the time of acquiring planning consent. The details and timelines will be determined between GCP and Network Rail at the point of delivery of the station.
Does the Butt Lane junction with the A10 need to be signalised?
All the junctions have to go through a Road Safety Audit and the results of this audit will determine if signals are installed.
March 2024
Greater Cambridge Planning – Mike Huntingdon
Greater Cambridge Planning Presentation March 2024 [PPT, 3.5MB]
Mike gave a brief history of the development:
- 2018 - South Cambridgeshire Local Plan - allocated for development
- 2019 - SPD approved - prepared to guide a comprehensive approach to the new town’s development and the provision of infrastructure across the whole site
- 2020 - Construction started on western part of the site
- 2023 - First residents
Two developers:
- Urban&Civic
- RLW Estates
He then went on to identify the wider allocation of land uses (slides 5-10):
- parks
- schools (orange children symbols)
- local centres (red circles with numbers 1-4 in them)
- main road network (dark blue lines)
- train station (station symbol)
(For RLW Estates) How much of 1300 affordable homes will be for social housing? Will they all be 80% of market price?
At least 30% of the development as affordable homes with a 30/70 tenure split (affordable rent / intermediate) to meet local housing needs (same as Urban&Civic).
Intermediate housing is defined as Shared Ownership, Older Person Shared Ownership, Home Ownership for people with Long-Term disabilities, Rent to Buy and Intermediate Rent. If the scheme were to be financially viable the review by the Council’s consultant suggests that 30% of affordable housing could be achieved on a tenure split of:
- 30% affordable rent
- 30% shared ownership
- 20% Rent to buy
- 20% Discount market sale
This breakdown is the same as the approved Urban&Civic site. At the beginning of each Phase of development (or at any other agreed point in the development) a viability review would be carried out, the outcome of which would be the exact level and the tenure mix of affordable housing for that Phase.
County Council – Tim Watkins – Head of Growth and Development
Tim stated that he was there to provide an update on the progress of the primary school planning application. He mentioned that it had been intended for the primary school planning application to go to planning committee that day, but it had been withdrawn and the application had been paused. The applicant, the County Council Education Department, had requested the application to be paused while they investigated construction affordability issues. He expressed their continued commitment to delivering the primary school according to the current program and stated that they had been assured by their education multipliers and calculations that the primary school would be ready in time and that the pupil places will come forward when required.
Urban&Civic: Rebecca Britton – Regional Director of Communications, Fiona Reardon Rose – Communications and Communities
Urban&Civic Presentation March 2024 [PPTX, 1.5MB]
Can residents park in the travel hub if they wanted to visit?
Yes. Sustainable Travel Hub is accessible from the A10 roundabout, and residents can use this to explore the site.
Where is the community bus timetable? And where does it go from?
The bus is operational for the community market – third Sunday of every month. The bus goes from outside the green. Unfortunately, the bus will not be available for April, but will run from June onwards, leaving from the village green. The timetable is advertised on social media on the Waterbeach Community Market page.
Is the U&C development dependant on the upgrades to the A10 and/or building of the station? And do you have any involvement in either of those things?
Our primary involvement revolves around supporting others. We collaborate closely with the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) to advance the Park & Ride initiative and the station location, given our central position. Consequently, we are responsible for constructing the connecting road to facilitate these developments. Regarding our initial phase of development, comprising 1600 homes, we aren't reliant on the A10 upgrade. Certain interventions, such as roadworks at the Stretton Roundabout and improvements to the Denny End Rd junction, either have been or are scheduled to be implemented to enhance junction capacity. These interventions primarily impact the road network, with a focus on cycle connections and other public transport enhancements for the first phase. We conduct periodic reviews as part of this process, utilizing sensors to monitor car usage and upholding our commitment to promoting active travel and modal shift away from cars. The insights gathered inform subsequent phases of development, aligning with the broader A10 review conducted by the GCP and the county council.
Smart Journeys – Jez Tuttle, Transport Assessment Team Leader
Smart Journeys Presentation March 2024 [PPTX, 19.5MB]
When will these activities be available?
5 App-bikes (hire bikes) will be installed within the Barracks in the next few weeks. Estimated launch date of May 6. 3 bikes will be positioned at the Transport Hub and 2 outside the squash courts.
June – Voi expansion permission will be decided and published by the DfT, this will include e-bikes and e-scooters
July – Date to be confirmed – Sustainable Transport Event
How will residents find out about them?
Newsletters, online social media platforms, social engagement events
Are you aware that cycle theft is endemic at Waterbeach Station? What measures will be in place to prevent this at the new station, but also to prevent e-scooter theft – if this comes in?
Smart Journeys will offer regular bicycle security marking sessions, we will also advise as to which bicycle stands would be best. Smart journeys will also work closely with Voi to ensure that security of all vehicles is of paramount importance. We will consult with Urban & Civic with regards to the installation of cycle stands i.e. location, lighting, security cameras etc.
contact: waterbeach@smartjourneys.co.uk
Anglian Water – Kathryn Taylor, Cambridge Wastewater Relocation Project
Anglian Water Presentation March 2024 [PPTX, 0.2MB]
I'll provide a brief update on our current status. To recap, the DCO process spans 6 months, commencing on 17 October and concluding on 19 April. Following closure, the Planning Inspectorate, comprising 3 inspectors, has 3 months to draft their report and make recommendations to the relevant Secretary of State, in this case, DEFRA. The Secretary of State then has an additional three months to review the recommendations and issue a final decision. Thus, we anticipate a decision by October of this year. Regarding the examination process, we've recently concluded the last round of hearings, including sessions in October, January, and just last week. These sessions covered various topics, such as landscape design and traffic management, with broad engagement from stakeholders, including statutory consultees, community groups, and Parish councils. Correction: the final hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, 9 April, not at the end of March, and will address outstanding matters related to traffic and access.
Where exactly will the pipeline be going?
The proposed Waterbeach scheme consists of the installation of a new section of underground pipeline about 8 kilometres in length. From Waterbeach New Town the new pipe will route east/southeast crossing under the railway but avoiding the new Waterbeach railway station platform before continuing southwards through fields. It will cross to the east side of the River Cam after about 1.9km and continue southward to the east of the village of Horningsea before crossing under the A14. It will then continue southward for approximately 400 metres before routing west and connecting into the existing Cambridge (Milton) Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), crossing under the Horningsea Road, the River Cam, Fen Road, and the railway on route. Please see the map which shows where the route of the pipeline.
Will the pipeline construction impact on any bus routes coming to and from the Park & Ride?
The pipeline will not impact any bus routes, including the Park & Ride, as it does not cross any main roads, such as Clayhithe Road.
Will the river be closed for navigation at any stage throughout construction?
No. At no point will the river be completely closed. The navigation channel will be narrowed while we move the Milton works' current outfall. This will require us to construct a new outfall within the riverbank. A temporary bund will be installed across a part of the river to protect the workforce during the construction of the outfall. Due to this bund, navigation will be restricted for an approximately four-month period, not prevented entirely.
Will AW be doing anything to improve or accommodate being able to get down Burgess Drove? And if so, could you please contact the landowners?
If the project receives consent, improvements will be made to Burgess Drove to accommodate vehicle access. We will be in contact with landowners before any such improvements take place. A decision on whether the upgrades will be made permanent following construction will be made post-consent and will be informed by our discussions with landowners.
Can you provide an idea of how much construction traffic will be on site, when it is likely to be, the size of the vehicles and what roads are likely to be used?
During the construction of the Waterbeach pipeline, there will be two periods of peak traffic movements. The first peak will occur in the first eight weeks of construction when all the equipment is delivered, and the compound area setup. Construction traffic movements will then peak again during the last eight weeks when the temporary haul road is removed, and the compounds dismantled. During construction, a mixture of vehicles will be using the roads, including HGVs. HGVs will not use the roads during school drop-off and pick-up times.
Construction traffic will use the following roads in the vicinity of Waterbeach:
- A10 Ely Road
- Denny End Road
- Bannold Road
- Bannold Drove
- Burgess’s Drove
- Car Dyke Road
- Station Road
- Milton Road
- Cowley Road
- Clayhithe Road, and
- Long Drove.
The tables below are from the most recent iteration of the project application document "Environmental Statement Chapter 19: Traffic and Transport”. And show the predicted peak traffic movements on the roads in the vicinity of Waterbeach. The future baseline refers to the estimated number of traffic flows in a scenario where the pipeline is not constructed.
Stagecoach – David Boden, Business Development Director
Audio announcing stops not working on local buses:
- this is not a function that drivers can control. If they are not working, then there is an electrical fault
- David agreed to contact his colleague, the Engineering Manager, to highlight this issue.
Number 9 bus:
- historically, bus companies have been able to cover the costs for rural and interurban bus services
- data suggests the number nine bus has been running at a loss since 2017, made worse by COVID-19
- shopping trends have changed, and data suggests people are not shopping in Ely as much as they were
- in October 2022, Stagecoach took the decision to reduce the service. There was an option to cut the service altogether, but decision was made to reduce to twice daily.
Was there any scope to use Combined Authority precept money to rescue the service 9 bus?”
We have been discussing service 9 and our concerns over the viability with CPCA as far back as April 2022 and have updated periodically on the 9 service performance. Before the most recent service change we gave service updates before Xmas 2023 indicating our likely path for the current timetable.
In all of these discussions we asked for potential funding sources and we are aware that CPCA would have considered all options open to them. We do not know specifically whether they considered Mayoral Precept money. That would be a question for them.
November 2023
RLW Estates: Tim Deacon – Director of Development
RLW Estates Presentation November 2023
Planning Update
- Still have resolution to grant (planning permission on the outline)
- This is now 2.5 years old but edging closer to a decision notice
- Section 106 is largely settled
- Railway station needs delivering before homes can be built
- Application coming forward in the next 2 months for the pumping station. This ties into the Development Consent Order Process (DCO) which Anglian Water is currently running
- The pumping station will be positioned near the railway station, in the area south of our ownership
- Screening of Environmental Impact Assessment to come forward soon and then the full application
You're saying that the pumping station is going to be the south of the railway station. Well, what part of the line will that be?
We are still working through the optimum place for it. We are working closely with Anglian Water and Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) to process is as soon as possible. It is an important piece of infrastructure that is proposed to fit within the railway red line boundary. If you can envisage the planning permission that we have for the relocated railway station, it is currently proposed south of the vehicular access road to the station itself.
Urban&Civic: Rebecca Britton – Regional Director of Communications, Fiona Reardon Rose – Communications and Communities
Urban&Civic Presentation November 2023 [PPTX, 1.5MB]
Development Update
- Development consists of 6500 homes
- 5 schools
- 250 acres of green space
- Recurring Newsletter – please get in touch if you’d like to receive this
- Working hard on getting the lake area activated and tree planting – walking loop around the lake now complete
- Welcomed first residents this week - should be a handful more before Christmas
- Currently finalising finishing touches on site – signage, walking and cycling routes and especially creating access to village
- Working very hard with partners to get the pop-up café open and ready for first residents
- Hoping to open site – café, walking and cycling routes, lake loop in time for spring, all will be welcome
Mere Way
- A lot of consultation on this route and understandably so, we are seeing concerns now that we are in delivery stage
- Effectively, majority of route is 3-4m hard surface and 2-3m soft
- A bit more work to do south of Butt Lane to reach 3m hard surface there, but the idea is to have this useable by cyclists, walkers, and equestrians
- Work still being done to re-establish levels. Seeding and grass surfacing also taking place so this can be established over the coming months
- Work going on in Landbeach at the moment near Green End and we must apologise for the increased traffic. We have had good feedback from residents locally however, as we’ve managed to add some additional dropped curbs
- Public realm improvements to come
- Final stage is to get the bridge in place and over the A10
- Thrilled to see so many people at Summer at the Beach in Sept
- Community markets have now moved to the terraces on site
- We’ve been running archaeology and ecology tours for local gardening and Brownie groups
- Over 40 groups using the space – Brass band, Brownies and Fit For Life to name a few
- Timetable of current events included in the slide-pack
- Upcoming events include November & Christmas markets, free bike repairs and access to the community library – as part of the studio adjacent to the sports hall
Has the hard surface on Mere Way been laid too widely? Leaving not enough space for a soft verge? And has work on it been paused?
No, we can confirm that we have delivered the route to the specifications set down in the Section 278 technical agreement - agreed with the County Council. This has required that the route north of Butt Lane – which we had originally hoped would be 3m hard standing, and 2-3m grass – needs to be 4m, to ensure safe access along the route for the farm vehicles which use the accesses along this stretch of the route. We were asked by local councillors to pause, on the back of concerns this was too wide and a walk was held along it and further discussions held to explore options further for decreasing the width back to 3m of hardstanding. While this has not been possible north of Butt Lane, it has been possible to reduce the areas south of Butt Lane which were scheduled to be 4m, and make that whole stretch 3m hardstanding by 2-3 m grass.
The next piece of work is to install the soft surface, and that will ensure the full widths are realised. As the route is built slightly higher to protect the archaeology underneath, the widths can seem misleading for anyone looking at it mid delivery, but contractors work in incredible detail to ensure the technical agreed details are delivered, and the work being undertaken is regularly reviewed by the Highways Team and we can confirm it is all in line with the plans.
Will “Summer at the Beach” continue in that space moving forward?
Summer at the Beach has moved around through its time being based on site, starting off in the Community Rooms and Squash Courts and gradually making more use of the space within and between the Terraces (which used to house military vehicles). It is great to see this space energised and we continue to explore with the artists and organisers how we can keep the event going as the development rolls out, and look at future events and creative spaces within the new development. There are currently no plans to retain those buildings in the long term, and they would need a lot of money spent on them to repair them for long term use, but we do love the fact that while they are there, we can explore meanwhile uses, and use this time to explore the future spaces than can hold events like this. They sit in part of the development that will in time become the future Town Centre, so it is great to be using them for events like this and the Community Market, as we start to explore the timing, layout and design and uses within the future Town Centre. We will continue to work with the event organisers and the individual artists who use studio space on the Barracks as the plans evolve.
How are conversations going between U&C and RLWE regarding the link road from the A10 to the RLWE site?
The process is all set out in the planning framework called the “Link Road Protocol” which will be triggered when South Cambs call for the road, which can be any time after RLW get full planning permission. In the meantime, we continue to work with GCP, to design the southern entrance to the development, and ensure it connects with the planned Park&Ride and Cambridge to Waterbeach transport connection which will come forward on the other side of the A10, and use this road to connect to the future relocated Rail station. Alongside the connecting road the same discussions are happening on construction routes.
What year do you expect to do the cycle paths in the village?
The Public Realm projects which are part of the S106 projects to improve walking and cycling in the local villages, and make it harder for through traffic to route through the villages, are all underway. We are working with the parish councils of Landbeach, Waterbeach and Horningsea in the first instance to move these forward and have had a number of working group discussions with the independent adviser, Andrew Cameron, working for the villages to finalise the designs that each community wants. These will be consulted on more widely over the coming months.
These are very much schemes and interventions for the villages, designed with and for their communities: our role in this is just to facilitate the projects and use our expertise to support their delivery. We will do an update on these in our Spring 2024 newsletter but you should also see some local comms on events in Landbeach in the next few weeks and in Waterbeach in early 2024.
There has been a lot of demolition on site. What will remain of the heritage of the site?
To be confirmed
Living Sport: Sally Gibson, Programme Manager
Living Sport November 2023 Presentation
- Living Sport is one of 43 active partnerships in the country, supported by Sport England, with a focus on embedding physical activity within local communities, creating resilience, and breaking down barriers to activity
- 3 main strategic focuses: Communities, Children & Young People and Health, Wellbeing Social Care
Partnership with SCDC and U&C
- Funding from SCDC and U&C to support sport & physical activity in Waterbeach and the new town
- Support with community activation and engagement activities for new events and enhancing the existing offer
- Information and resource-building for existing provision
- Support with developing a healthy and active community in Waterbeach
- Looking to provide pop-up activities and pilot/trial different sports
- Very much a focus on community-led activities through support from LS
- Success in Northstowe with some of the groups still running and supporting themselves with the aim of replicating here - lots of lessons learned
- Conversations started with partners for example, Park Run, Park Play, Daily Mile and others
- Very much looking to provide inclusive and accessible sports namely walking football (and similar)
- Looking at active travel opportunities
- Already active in the village through the Opening School Facilities programme for 11-16 years
- Looking to develop a Sport and Wellbeing Group which will aid the creation of other sporting groups through identifying funding, volunteers and supporting with governance arrangements. These will ultimately support new residents to access pitches, sports halls etc
- We will support these groups to feed into national governing body programmes.
- New member of the team joining shortly to lead on this work
Are you working with the Parish Council?
Yes. The project is very much in its infancy, and we have a new staff member starting who will lead on the Waterbeach work. As I understand it, a previous postholder who was starting to do some work in Waterbeach with Urban and Civic had reached out. We will be working closely with the Parish Council to understand the needs of the community, both existing and new as the infrastructure grows and support the development of growing existing provision and starting new provision.
How will your activities relate to older members of the community, as well as the disabled?
Our work in Waterbeach will be with all of the community, and we will be working with local community groups, residents, clubs and organisations to shape provision. Our work will be supporting children and young people, families, older people, and disabled people. Local people will shape the provision, and we will support the co-design of this, helping activities and events to evolve through local community voice.
Greater Cambridge Partnership:
Katrina Cajevskaja, Project Manager – Railway Station Project
Greater Cambridge Partnership November 2023 Presentation
- Updated GAP analysis and survey strategy completed. Current surveys in progress are ground investigation, telecoms, ecology, arboriculture and topographical.
- Some of the design work had been done as part of the RLW development of the station in 2019 but, following COVID, we’ve seen some changes to the standards within the rail industry, so we are taking a fresh look at the design.
- Ongoing discussions with Network Rail to ensure design is accessible, fit for purpose and compliant with relevant safety standards.
- Previous designs proposed two footbridges, one at the north of the platform and another at the south. Now suggesting we have one footbridge in the middle of the platform, with a secondary means of escape on the eastern side of the station
- Car park is currently designed for 200 spaces. This will include electric vehicles, motorcycle, cycling and accessible parking. Pickup and drop-off points will also be included.
- What was previously “the station building” is now being replaced with a new “transport hub” due to the many transport projects in the area. Options are currently being drawn up and discussed with the GCP.
- C3R Cambridge Re-Signalling Project – working closely with them to align when we might go onsite to start preliminary works.
- Great Northern & Greater Anglia
- Greenway Cycle Scheme – options for interfacing with this project so greenways don’t simply end before the station.
- Guided Busway Project – again, opportunities for interfacing with this project
- Anglian Water – working with AW on potential for getting onsite earlier and speeding up delivery.
- Housing Developers
- Generally working closely with partners to try and mitigate construction traffic flow through the village by finding opportunities to take this off-site.
Programme Update
- Ongoing engagement with the contractor to identify available railway possessions and develop integrated construction strategy.
- Ongoing discussion with Network Rail to finalise the design for the new station with aspiration to issue the design for Network Rail’s approval early next year (2024)
- Car park and bus interchange schematic layout is currently being finalised to ensure that design assurance timescales are aligned with the railway design.
Have there been any changes to the approved planning application for the new Waterbeach Railway Station? And will any updated/future plans go out for public consultation?
There have been no changes to the approved planning application for the new Waterbeach Railway Station. As the designs at this location develop it may become necessary to amend the existing planning permission or make an additional application for planning permission. The project team is in dialogue with the local planning authority (South Cambridgeshire District Council) and will follow their guidance. If further applications or amendments are necessary, unless deemed non-material, the local planning authority are required to undertake a period of statutory consultation where views can be expressed. The local planning authority will publicise the application on receipt by writing to consultees and may also arrange for notices to be displayed at the site. Once the consultation period for the application has concluded, the representations made by consultees will be considered by the local planning authority in determining the application. You can also view and comment on planning applications.
Future updates about the railway station development will be provided at the Waterbeach Community Forum and on the project’s web page.
Can you give us assurance that you won't go through the village with construction traffic?
Details of how construction will be managed to mitigate the environmental impacts (including noise, vibration, dust, and traffic) is subject to a planning condition. The project team is currently exploring options for a shared construction access with RLWE and U&C. An application to discharge the planning condition will be submitted in due course and the construction works will be undertaken in accordance with the details agreed with the local planning authority.
Is there an opportunity to provide access to the station from the East?
It is not possible to have access to a station from privately owned land. The safety of rail users is paramount, access from third party land cannot be guaranteed or safety managed. Access to the station will be provided in accordance with the approved plans.
Why is a local government institution paying for the development of the relocated railway station?
The GCP Executive Board agreed to delivering the relocated Waterbeach Station in June 2022, the report sets out why the GCP is stepping in.
Will there be any changes to the red line boundary of the original planning application?
There have been no changes to the red line boundary (which delineates the extent of land required to deliver the proposed development). Should it become necessary to amend the red line boundary as detailed designs are developed, the project team are in dialogue with the local planning authority (South Cambridgeshire District Council) and will follow their guidance. If further planning applications or amendments are necessary, unless deemed non-material, the local planning authority are required to undertake a period of statutory consultation where views can be expressed. Once the consultation has concluded the representations made by consultees will be considered when determining the application. You can also view and comment on planning applications.
How will the existing village access the railway station?
We are keen to encourage those travelling to and from the new railway station to walk and cycle and are creating facilities at the station to enable and encourage this such as cycle parking. For those assessing the station by car, there will be a passenger pick up and drop off loop and parking for up to 200 cars including blue badge and electric vehicle charging bays. Access to the station by car will be via a new junction off Cody Road. Whilst the project has no direct influence on bus services in the area, Greater Cambridge Partnership are in dialogue with Stagecoach, RLWE and U&C and are exploring opportunities for bus connectivity in and around the new station.
How do residents obtain the GCP’s accounts information?
A breakdown of all GCP’s project costs are published during every meeting of the Joint Assembly and Exec Board the documents can be found on the County Council’s website.
Paul van der Bulk, Senior Project Manager – Waterbeach to Cambridge Busway
- The Waterbeach to Cambridge (W2C) project aims to provide a new high quality, segregated public transport route between the new town at Waterbeach and Cambridge along with associated active travel infrastructure
- The scheme also looks to include a new park and ride facility on the A10 near to the new town at Waterbeach
- The Strategic Outline Case, approved by the Executive Board in July 2021 demonstrated that this new infrastructure is essential for the continued development of the new town as it will create and enhance the required network links that enable people to make trips by public transport, cycle or on foot, thus reducing pressure on the already congested highway network
- Following Public Consultation in early 2023 on two route options and 3 locations for a new Park & Ride near Waterbeach, further technical work was undertaken, alongside detailed analysis of the consultation responses
- Based on this work, it was recommended to take forward the Revised Central Route option and the Park and Ride Option C
- In September 2023, the GCP Executive Board approved the recommendations along with revised budget of £110 Million to take the scheme forward to the next stage which will include:
- Detailed three-dimensional design of the Busway and Park And Ride, including junction designs, bus stop specifications and integration with Milton Park and Ride
- Detailed work to understand any requirements for utility diversions, and also to develop the detailed drainage strategy for the scheme which will identify any flood mitigation requirements
- Work to further integrate the proposed scheme with other developments that are proposed in the corridor including Waterbeach Greenway, Mere Way active travel route, the A10, Waterbeach new town, North East Cambridge development (including Cambridge Science Park), and Cambridge Research Park
- Environmental Impact Assessment, including surveys and associated statutory consultation will aim to be held in the spring/summer of 2024
- Preparation of the Transport and Works Act Planning Application and Consents
- It is anticipated that the scheme will next be presented to the Executive Board for approval in late 2024
- All going well, it is planned to open the scheme in late 2028
How much of busway will serve the village as opposed to the new town?
The focus of the new busway is to provide necessary transport infrastructure to meet both current and future needs. The design will look to ensure that it is possible to route buses onto and off the guided sections of the busway so that services can also pass through the villages on route.
Are there any plans to hold contractors (Stagecoach) to account?
Ultimately, the reason for poor services is largely due to a congested network. This scheme looks to remove buses from that network and ensure they don’t have to mix with the congested routes. The Combined Authority is running a project to look at how delivery of bus infrastructure should be managed across Cambridgeshire in future.
What route will the buses take?
We do not have this level of detail yet. This project looks to provide the infrastructure that buses can use, and that provides a much future flexibility to operators as possible so that they can best serve future demand.
There are a lot of travel schemes in the area. Will we not get to a position where we’ll need to cross the A10 multiple times? Will the A10 widening be factored into these schemes?
The main crossing and access point will be the southern access roundabout into the new town. This will be our focus. We do have representatives on the A10 options project board, and we’ll be working closely with them and U&C to make sure the junction design can accommodate dualling if required.
Kerry Allen, Senior Project Manager – Waterbeach Greenway
- Provide better, safer, and greener cycling and walking and, where appropriate, horse-riding routes, to and from Cambridge and the surrounding villages and other settlements
- Improve access to jobs and opportunities, education, healthcare, leisure, and other services
- Help to reduce the impact of traffic congestion and growing traffic levels
- Improve our health by enabling more active travel and helping to reduce air pollution
- Provide safe active travel routes that all ages and abilities can use
- Route is not only for new town users, but all residents and will provide access to/from Cambridge Research and Cambridge Innovation Parks – as well as Cambridge itself
- The greenway will connect with the wider strategic network of greenways
- In 2021-22, feasibility study was undertaken of the Waterbeach Greenway proposed alignment. Included a proposed underpass under the A14 adjacent to the Network Rail underbridge, and offline route alongside railway lines from Cambridge to Waterbeach, alongside the existing rail station and up to the relocated station (see plan). This was considered in two phases; phase 1 budget was approved by the GCP Executive Board; phase 2 subject to funding
- Number of challenges were uncovered –
- cost and feasibility of the proposed A14 underpass,
- presence of Flood Zone 3
- Further investigation of the original offline alignment being undertaken, including a better understanding of flood risk and impact on other infrastructure including the railway lines and underbridge as well as the A14 itself
- A further optioneering exercise was undertaken and a potential alternative alignment identified, for which a feasibility study is currently ongoing
Risks to delivery
- Flooding & Drainage
- Proximity to railway infrastructure
- Construction feasibility
- Access via Milton Country Park
- Feasibility and cost of A14 underpass
- Overall cost of offline alignment
- Programme for delivery
Greenway benefits
- Safe and direct walking and cycling connectivity between residential areas and key facilities such as employment, education, health, recreation, and transport hubs
- Improved access to jobs and education
- Better, more inclusive environments for walking and cycling
- Investment towards improving the attractiveness of local centres
- Reduced carbon emissions
- Provides an opportunity for more people to change travel behaviour
and adopt a healthier lifestyle - Futureproofs local areas and provides a platform for further investment
Shared use paths
- Standards set in the Local Transport Note 1/20 - states that 3m shared use provision is acceptable for 300 pedestrians and 300 cyclists an hour (peak)
- Shared use paths ensure cyclists alter behaviour to take account of other road users
- Propensity to Cycle Tool predicts that 200 cyclists in the peak hour will use the Waterbeach Greenway in 2031
What provision will there be for illumination?
Lighting is a major factor that needs taking into consideration not only for Waterbeach, but all our greenways. Consideration needs to be made of the ecological effects of this and how they dovetail with off-road alignments. This is very much a detailed question and not one we have the answer to now.
Have the County Council applied to dual the A10?
The County Council are looking at a variety of solutions, one of which is dualling. Nothing decided yet. Cllr Bradnam is on the board who are yet to meet.
Can the route be changed? The current route comes very close to Cosy Nook.
Route alignment will be picked up in the consultation so please provide this feedback in your response.
Why isn’t an in-person consultation event taking place in Waterbeach?
We tried to find an appropriate venue, but all were booked. Milton was the closest area that the team could find an available and suitable venue.
If the greenway is being designed to help us get to Cambridge North Station, why would we go 4 miles south when we can go 1 mile north to the relocated Waterbeach railway station?
The route to Cambridge North Station is not the focus of connecting residents of Waterbeach. It provides a safe walking and cycling link for residents living in Milton Village. The greenway is being developed not only to support the new development in Waterbeach, but also the residents living in Milton and those new residents that will live on the Hartree Site off Cowley Road.
Why, as part of the greenway, isn’t there a bridleway all the way into Cambridge?
We don’t have the space to create an off-carriageway path for all the way into Cambridge. Such a proposal would also come at significant environmental cost.
Stagecoach East: Charlton Thornhill
Stagecoach East November 2023 Presentation
- Passengers on Cambridge Services are currently around 88% of pre Covid 19 levels
- PR5 has around 116 passengers per day using the service from Waterbeach, this makes up around 10% of the total passengers on the route
- Reliability of services is good we are currently delivering 98% of journeys, however punctuality is suffering with services struggling with severe congestion in Cambridge City, continual road works, active travel schemes; all have seen a negative impact to bus services with ever increasing delays
- Currently we are in a healthy driver position, bucking the trend nationally, which is still seeing major shortages across the industry
- £2 fare scheme extended to at least Jan 2024
- Note that regular users of Stagecoach services (period tickets), particularly in the city zone, are paying less than £2 a journey
New electric bus fleet
- See slide 5 for info
What is my best value ticket?
- See slide 6 for breakdown of ticketing structure
Stagecoach East
Are there any plans to restore connectivity between the villages? The number 9 bus no longer goes through Waterbeach, and elderly residents are having to walk a long way to get to the bus stop on the A10.
We are currently looking into the viability of a service that restores the links between villages.
What is Stagecoach doing to increase the quality and reliability of the bus services?
We have been facing severe congestion post covid with traffic volumes on key routes already at the same level as pre covid (as per CPCA reports) however in the city there are also significant road works and (construction of) active travel schemes further compounding the unreliability of bus services. Data from the County Council has shown the volume of roadworks in 2023 is currently double that of 2019. Since January 2023 we have added 4 additional buses into the network to improve reliability, this is an investment of well over £600k just to keep the status quo. Regrettably, we have also had to reduce the frequency of the route 1 to increase cycle (circuit) time, this is purely due to the impact of congestion. Unfortunately, some routes are not viable to have additional buses placed in their cycle (circuit) and for hourly routes it is hard to drop frequencies any further. We are working closely with the local authorities trying to address some of these issues, however, congestion and in particular roadworks continue to impact bus service reliability.
June 2023
Mike Huntington, Greater Cambridge Planning Service
Mike Huntington provided an overview of the Waterbeach Barracks development (western half) identifying the likely location of key infrastructure:
- primary schools
- secondary Schools
- access from A10
- main road leading to the relocated railway station
- locations of town centre and local centres
Mike explained that a development of this size needs to be broken down into phases, the first of which is called Key Phase 1 and will include:
- 1600 homes
- development focused near lake
- primary school, play park and commercial uses
- 10 residential parcels
- associated infrastructure
- development will broadly move in a south-easterly direction.
The eastern half of the new town is still waiting on the section 106 agreement to be finalised. Negotiations are still taking place between the County Council and the developer, RLW Estates. This application will also bring forward the relocated railway station.
Mike explained that a section 106 agreement is a legal agreement between the district council or the county council and the developer. The development is required to pay moneys to the district council in order to provide schools, roads, health centres, sports pavilions etc. There is a lot of money at stake and therefore careful negotiations are needed.
Mike also confirmed that the GCP have obtained a Lawful Development Certificate (LDC).
Mike also provided a small update from Anglian Water on 2 ongoing projects.
Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation Project – a press release was issued today to confirm that the Planning Inspectorate has accepted a Development Consent Order (DCO) application from Anglian Water to relocate their Milton treatments works. No timetable has been published as yet.
Existing Waterbeach recycling centre – Residents will start to see work starting on site from 3 July for 10 weeks. The works will be installing a new storm water tank to increase storm water capacity, reduce spills to the environment and maintain water quality.
How will construction traffic access the site during the 10 week installation works?
The Waterbeach Storm Scheme started as planned on 3 July 2023.
Whilst the programme is 10 weeks long, the construction activities fall over the first 8 weeks (the remaining 2 are for concrete and mastic curing before the tank goes into service). Week 1 saw the site/welfare set-up. Week 2 & 3 had the most amount of traffic whilst we excavated for foundations and imported stone and concrete. There will be a pipe delivery during week 4-6 but that should all come in a single load. The tank is being delivered flat-pack in week 4 (1 or 2 lorries), then in week 7 there will be some further concrete pours over 3 days. During 25 to 28 July people might notice a few extra tankers on site. Demobilisation (1 artic and 2 vans) during week 8.
Throughout there will be 2-3 vans each working day.
Vehicles leave A10 onto Bannolds Road and Bannolds Drove.
Are there plans to join the east and west walking/cycling routes along the A10 connecting to Denny End Rd?
It was not possible to provide a footway on the north side of Denny End Road as part of the improvements at the A10 end. There will however be a path within the new town that links to the existing path on the north side of Denny end Road, which will allow you to get to the A10 if you needed to.
What is the progress on sorting out the bus stops at the current station?
GC Planning is in conversation with Urban & Civic (U&C) and they are very close to securing a resolution.
What obligations, if any, are there for traffic calming measures in WB village considering the increase in traffic that will occur as a result of the new town?
There is monitoring of traffic flows in the village so that we can see if there is any change. There is also a package of measures that are being developed by Urban&Civic with Waterbeach Parish Council to deter through-traffic in the village.
Urban & Civic (U&C) – Rebecca Britton
Rebecca started by introducing a new member of her team – Fiona Reardon-Rose who has replaced Bruce Callander in the Communications, Community and Partnerships role.
Fiona provided a brief description of her past experience working at Colchester City Council where she led on communications for the regeneration of the city centre.
Rebecca continued, explaining that their focus is firmly on the first phase of development – Key Phase 1, which Mike provided details of earlier – and wanted to highlight that this will include the first temporary health space, community library and the first shop.
The access from the A10 is now open (pictures in attached slides) and U&C have been doing a lot of work on pollinators and hibernacula across the woodland area. Slide deck includes an image of the WB pollinator, WB being the historic call sign got the airfield.
Setup work beginning on delivery of Mere Way along with door drop containing final details for the scheme. This will not affect other local activities like harvest for example and work will begin at the south end of the route. Works will not impact on villages until around Aug/Sept time but U&C will arrange some engagement closer to the time.
Rebecca highlighted routes included on the slides which catered for equestrians.
Stonebond sales have launched with show homes available and accessible from A10 roundabout near the Research Park. Will have a variety of tenures available including shared ownership and affordable rent.
CALA Homes will be launching mid-July with similar affordable options.
U&C are very much looking forward to welcoming new residents in September/October time. Work is progressing on welcome packs which will have detailed information about the site which will help create a sense of ownership within the new community. Caroline Ward – the community development lead – will be on hand to support the process of developing the new community and integrating them with the neighbouring villages.
What measures are being put in place to make sure roads are adoptable?
U&C confirmed that all roads are being designed to adoptable standards and that they work very closely with the Transport Assessment Team at County. Jez Tuttle, from the Assessment Team, confirmed that their needs to be “sufficient parking utilities” so not all roads can be adopted if there isn’t enough public use. He also added that they could not adopt roads in isolation; roads needed to be connected to the highway network.
Will there be enough water and utilities for new residents?
Yes, new pipeline has been connected which will accommodate new residents. U&C have a utilities lead who’s main focus is to maintain utilities with sufficient contingency. All required infrastructure is present for key phase 1.
What early health provision will be available for new residents?
U&C have a health strategy which is in place and progressing. This includes provision of funding to the existing surgery which has expanded their clinical space; provision within the first community centre to support the surgery which will lead into the delivery of the permanent health centre which will be situated in the local centre.
What education provision will be available for first residents?
Working with the County Council capacity has been identified within the local primary school in the village, and this will be sufficient until the new primary school opens.
When will the shuttle bus start?
We will have a shuttle service in place for the first residents, we’re in the process of finalising what this and I’ll update as soon as we have finalised information. It’s likely to be a service that evolves to meet the needs of the community as it grows but we are exploring all the options at the moment and will have more news soon.
What exactly will the sustainable travel hub cater for? Scooters?
We’ve recently appointed Smart Journeys to be the active travel co-ordinators and we’re working closely with them to encourage behaviour change with residents from day one. The aim is for the sustainable travel hub to provide bike hire and repair services, scooters, and electric car hire, as well as information on bus, car share and other transport options, and the bus stop. Again, this is a service that will evolve as the number of residents increases and we understand the needs of the community.
Is there a date for the pop-up café and food truck?
We don’t have an exact date for the café yet – we’re working closely with a provider at the moment and we hope to have someone up and running in the café space by Spring 2024.
Police and Crime Commissioner – Darryl Preston
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) thanked Cllr Bradnam for inviting him and gave a bit of background information about himself. He mentions that as the Police and Crime Commissioner, he has a background in enforcement as he was a former policeman in the Metropolitan Police and worked as a senior detective in Cambridgeshire. He emphasizes his passion for child protection and the protection of vulnerable individuals. After leaving the police, he joined the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, where he gained valuable experience in policy-making and strategic issues. In that role, he dealt with national portfolios related to issues such as county lines and their impact on local crime.
He went on to explain that the role of the PCC involves listening to the concerns of local residents and conveying those concerns to the Chief Constable and other partnership agencies involved in community safety. He also mentions his responsibility for managing the budget, which amounts to approximately £185 million, with the majority coming from central government and the remainder from local council taxpayers. Additionally, he highlights his role in holding the chief constable accountable for the effectiveness and efficiency of the police service. He also commissions victim services and considers national priorities such as county lines, cybercrime, and crimes against women and girls.
The PCC discusses the establishment of the Police and Crime Panel, which consists of elected representatives and independent members who hold him accountable. He acknowledges the importance of accountability and mentions one particular panel member who provides valuable scrutiny and serves as the chairperson of this forum.
Regarding the police and crime plan, the speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing communities and maintaining the principles of policing by consent. He acknowledges the need for increased police officer numbers, which have been successfully increased in Cambridgeshire. However, he points out that the county is poorly funded per capita compared to other police forces due to a growing population that was underestimated by the government. He mentions his ongoing efforts to lobby the government for a review and increased funding, acknowledging that there will be winners and losers in the process. He also addresses concerns about the difficulties in accessing the 101 service and asserts his commitment to holding the Chief Constable accountable for improvements in this area. The speaker discussed the importance of prevention and early intervention in addressing community safety issues. He emphasized the need for collaboration among various agencies through community safety partnerships. The speaker mentioned the significance of supporting education and the work of teachers, while acknowledging the need for additional support. He highlighted the gap in addressing local issues like anti-social behaviour and quality of life crimes within these partnerships.
The speaker provided an example of fly-tipping and mentioned their support for addressing such issues by allocating additional funding. He clarified that the cost of their office is justified due to the generated bid funding; and the importance of victim services, particularly for domestic abuse and sexual violence.
The concept of ethical policing was emphasized, with the PCC expressing pride in their commitment to maintaining high ethical standards. They mentioned investments in anti-corruption measures and professional standards, including national vetting (and re-vetting) for all police officers. They emphasized the accountability of police constables and the active pursuit of misconduct cases.
Darryl highlighted the importance of robust enforcement when prevention fails, endorsing the appropriate ethical use of stop and search. He mentioned the presence of an independent scrutiny panel to review and provide feedback on stop and search incidents to maintain service standards.
Regarding funding, the PCC discussed section 106 funding and its application to developers' contributions to local infrastructure. He expressed the need for legislation granting emergency services greater access to section 106 funds and strategic allocation of those funds. He suggested the importance of community hubs, music clubs, safe spaces, and out-of-school activities to address the concerns of young people.
Overall, the speaker emphasized the significance of prevention, collaboration, ethical standards, and strategic allocation of resources to ensure community safety.
What is being done about the noise and anti-social behaviour associated with the Milton Park and Ride site? There are cameras near the bus stop hub but not near the end of the site where the nuisance is occurring.
There are meetings taking place right now for a joined up approach to this issue between the Police, Community Safety Partnership and Environmental Health team, as it’s not a straight forward one to resolve.
What is the update on the Milton police station?
The PCC own the site and have planning consent. Archaeological works will need to be concluded before any construction work can begin but they are hoping to start work on site early next year. The police will retain a policing presence in Cambridge.
What are the police doing to combat nitrous oxide (NO2)?
Currently the misuse of NO2 is not a criminal offence, however, there is legislation coming through to criminalize this. Work would then need to be done to look at how to enforce this.
March 2023
Waterbeach Planning Overview – Mike Huntington
- Mike provided overview of the vision for the new town including indicative locations for local centres, schools (primary and secondary), access, station, community centers, and green space
- Western half – former barracks and Ministry of Defence (MOD) with Urban&Civic (U&C) as development partner
- U&C development divided into phases
- currently focused near the lake
- key phase 1 to bring forward primary school, play park, commercial uses and 900 homes
- Regulatory plan
- 10 residential parcels
- mixed use parcels
- connections through to later phases off A10 and north from Waterbeach
- bridleway to connect to the A10
- Green infrastructure map
- cycle and pedestrian routes all around residential parcels
- Eastern half – former farmer’s field with RLW Estates as master developer
- currently finalising the s106 legal agreement with County Council colleagues
- various conditions to approve before development takes place on site
- relocated railway station – lawful development certificate application.
When will the Primary school application be considered?
This is to be confirmed.
When will the redesign take place on Railway Station?
This will happen as and when the GCP and Network Rail develop the scheme further. In this eventuality, any changes will go back to SCDC for approval.
When will the village know about construction traffic?
SCDC are working with U&C and RLW to come up with an appropriate solution to address this issue. RLW will be required to submit a Construction and Environment Management Plan to SCDC for approval in due course.
Will the Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan be used to determine Railway Station application?
Yes. The Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan application has been adopted and therefore forms part of the Development Framework for Waterbeach.
Will our views be considered regarding the build of the relocated station?
Yes. Once a reserved matters planning application is submitted, residents will have an opportunity to comment on the application.
What is the trigger for a Health Strategy?
250 homes is the trigger for the temporary health facility and 800 homes is the trigger for a Health Strategy - this will include the existing village. Discussions are ongoing to review this 800 homes trigger.
Are there plans to retain the stone-built barns known as “New Buildings” within the RLW Estates land? Will there be nature trails integrated into the site?
The stonebuilt barn (or "new building") will be retained and refurbished per draft planning condition 63.
Urban&Civic Update – Paul Mumford, Jonathan Wood, Caroline Ward
Paul Mumford – Project Director
- Sent apologies on behalf of Rebecca who is ill
- Replacing Caroline Foster who will now focus on the new development at Hinxton
- Not completely new to Waterbeach as previously worked for GCSP on the initial Waterbeach outline application
- Site updates -
- show homes expected early April
- site to open to the public soon
- green infrastructure
- lake loop
- walking and cycle paths
- School planning application submitted to the County Council
- Planning app for plaza outside the front of school submitted to SCDC
- Mere Way -
- into the final stages
- discussions with County regarding programme
- more works to take place late April / early May
- plus progress on bridge over A10
- Confirmed trigger for temporary health centre as 250 homes and will be located in the middle parcel
Jonathan Wood – Ecologist, BMD
- Jonathan talked about the wider context of the development and how the ecology will blend and connect into the wider landscape influenced and supported by;
- Wicked Fen
- Historical golf course use
- Fen landscape
- Links to Denny Abbey
- Protecting some of the rich species and habitats for example, Great Crested Newts, these will be handled with extreme care with a priority of not disturbing protected species and habitats
- Key Phase 1
- Overriding theme is to understand where people fit best and where nature fits best
- Geese nesting on lake high importance
- Focus on mental health – following Natural England guidance – “everyone should be a 15min walk away from nature”
- Site has been left untouched for a long period of time which has left a thriving ecosystem
- 5 Priority Areas
- Northern Parkland
- Royal Engineer’s old golf course
- Lake and runway grassland
- Western bund (along A10)
- Urban ecology
- Waterbeach has been designed so wildlife habitats connect throughout the development -
- Hedgehog highways through gardens
- Bat and swift boxes
- Residents are welcome to navigate to webpage to see information on ecology and wildlife on the Waterbeach website
- Homes for birds (map included in presentation above)
- Great, Blue, Marsh and Coal Tits as well as House Sparrows, with internal chambers designed to maintain temperatures and mimic natural nests
- Starlings providing larger entrances and spacious, well-lit interiors that can also attract Spotted Woodpeckers
- Open, balcony entrances and wooden nesting chamber for Robins and Wrens – designed to protect against predators
- Insects and bees (photos included in presentation)
- New Waterbeach sign will act as a home for multiple species of bees
- “Bug hotels” will be dotted around site. Excess wood from woodland management work will be clustered together throughout the woodland areas and green spaces
- Intention is to provide circa 25% biodiversity net gain
Caroline Ward – Community Development Lead
- Recently appointed
- Caroline will be first contact for the new and existing community when it comes to community issues and concerns
- Will start laying the foundation for the first residents
- Watch out for events
- 15 July ecology event with a focus on wilding your own garden
- Nature walks
- Contact email: caroline.ward@urbanandcivic.com
What monitoring is in place for bat boxes and trees to make sure U&C “keep their promises”? Will U&C have an ongoing commitment to the trees they have/will plant?
Bat boxes will be integrated into consent at reserved matters stage. There will be a 5-year planning requirement for these to be constantly reviewed and we will be on site for circa 30 years so any tree failures will be replanted.
Is U&C happy with the distance of the primary school from the A10? The recommended minimum distance is 100m yet current plans are proposing only 70m.
The planning application for the primary school is currently live, the location having been agreed through the ‘Key Phase 1’ master planning process. U&C are happy with the location for the school based on the research and planning conducted. The school site includes delivery of a bund and planting along this between the school and A10.
Will U&C be working with those at the SSSI site only 3 miles away (Wicken Fen) so they aren’t adversely affected by the new development?
Yes. There are strict guidelines around this and the over provision of green space. We are committed to providing a complementary offer that will serve to benefit the SSSI site.
Additional questions received during the informal drop-in
Can the application for the new primary school at Waterbeach New Town to be referred to Planning Committee?
Councillor Anna Bradnam has asked for this application to be referred to County Planning Committee but ultimately the decision lies with the Chair and Director of Planning.
Is the Local Planning Authority aware that developers are piling when not permitted to do so?
Mike will take this up with the developer.
Can we get the southbound bus stop flag in the layby opposite Bluebell Woods replaced, as it was taken out when the path was upgraded to a cycle path.
This is to be confirmed.
Please can ‘sounders’ and the ‘rotating cone’ be restored on the new pedestrian crossing just north of Car Dyke Road junction on A10? Sounders enable people with poor or no eyesight to cross safely. The speaker said these were removed/not installed because the crossing is in two halves (across the northbound and southbound carriageways) and there was some suggestion the sounder for one half could be confused with the sounder for the other half.
This is to be confirmed.
November 2022
Local Plan (LP) Update – Caroline Hunt, Strategy and Economy Manager - Greater Cambridge Planning Service
Greater Cambridge Local Plan presentation
- Waterbeach very important part of the plan moving forward
- Only change is a faster build out -
- services come quicker
- more homes per year
- new strategic and accessible open/green space
- Next steps -
- joint LP Advisory Group meetings October 2022 to March 2023
- formal Committee meetings in January 2023 to consider responses
- full draft LP to be considered in summer 2023
- Following steps -
- consider responses from draft consultation and prepare Proposed Submission (Reg 19) Greater Cambridge Local Plan (GCLP)
- await outcome of Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant DCO (Development Consent Order)
- pending outcome of DCO – submission of Proposed Submission GCLP to Secretary of State for independent examination – summer / autumn 2025
Waterbeach Planning Overview - Mike Huntington, Principal Planning Officer - Greater Cambridge Planning Service
Planning Case Officer - Update
- Mike provided overview of the vision for the new town including indicative locations for local centres, schools (primary and secondary), access, station, community centres, and green space
- Western half – former barracks and MOD (Ministry of Defence) with Urban&Civic (U&C) as development partner
- Eastern half – former farmer’s field with RLW Estates as master developer
- U&C development divided into phases -
- currently focused near the lake
- key phase 1 to bring forward primary school, play park, commercial uses and 900 homes
- Regulatory plan -
- 10 residential parcels
- mixed use parcels
- connections through to later phases off A10 and north from Waterbeach
- bridleway to connect to the A10
- Green infrastructure map -
- cycle and pedestrian routes all around residential parcels
- Photos of key phase 1 from 15 months ago
Q: Why was there no detail of the RLWE site?
A: This half of the development doesn’t have full consent yet. The outline application was granted permission subject to the signing of a section 106 legal agreement, which is currently being finalised.
Q: When will RLWE agree a construction transport route to their site?
A: Discussion will happen when legal agreement is in place following full planning permission which will address the linkage and construction traffic.
Q: The station already has permission, so how will construction traffic reach this site?
A: Framework for bringing station construction traffic requires permission for RLWE before looking at site and transport as a whole. We (RLWE) are looking to avoid a situation where construction traffic goes through the village at all costs. U&C have put in practical elements to pave the way for potential route through their site, but this cannot be determined until full consent is granted for the Eastern Half (RLWE).
Q: Why was the relocation of the station been given permission before consent for the Eastern Half?
A: Essential for station to be in place before any homes are built (which includes a threshold for U&C delivery too).
Master Developer Update - Rebecca Britton, Bruce Callander and Paul Mumford, Urban&Civic
- Paul Mumford – New Project Director -
- replacing Caroline Foster who will now focus on the new development at Hinxton
- not completely new to Waterbeach as previously worked for GCSP on the Waterbeach applications
- Key phase 1 community facilities and highlights
- Condition 28 & 30 – shuttle bus and cycle route through the village to railway station -
- resolution to this and everyone signed up (County and SCDC)
- all other pre-occupation conditions now resolved
- 1st image – A10 entrance -
- Cycle and walking routes coming together
- 2nd image – View of Key Phase 1 -
- Stonebond and CALA Homes – First housebuilders
- High sustainable credentials
- Delivering on promise not to use large/national housebuilders
- Road infrastructure to include Dutch-style routes with preference for cycling
- 17k trees planted on site before the end of the year
- Sustainable travel hub -
- Work to drive people out of cars
- Use better modes of transport
- Using sophisticated software that records how many trips coming out of development (also referred to as 'trip budget')
- Bus provision fits into the above study and U&C are working with Stagecoach – frequency to increase as homes do
- Waiting on technical sign-off on Mere Way -
- Lighting and crossing – safety aspects are met
- Working with Landbeach and local Councils on this
- Car Dyke / Denny End Road link -
- Apologies for more disruption
- Working with County Council to minimise any disruption this may cause
- A10 image -
- U&C very much aware of the challenges of width
- On a positive note, good to see cyclists and walkers using this
- Housebuilders -
- Stonebond – show homes launching January 2023
- CALA Homes - show homes launching March 2023
- Primary School -
- CGI images of various perspectives of the primary school
- Working with Anglian Learning Trust
Q: When will I be able to cycle through the development from Waterbeach Village to the Research Park?
A: The connecting cycle route through the site is projected to open Spring/Summer 2023.
Q: When will facilities be available for first residents, for example: cafes, pubs, shops etc.?
A: These will be available within first 200 homes. Working with local partners for early activation and meanwhile uses. There is a temporary building north of the lake which we are looking to use for pop-up cafes and a shop. We are currently looking for local providers.
Master Developer Update - Chris Goldsmith, RLW Estates
- Summary of application –
- 600 acres
- 4500 houses
- Relocated railway station
- Primary school
- Station quarter
- Community centre
- New website – waterbeach.co.uk
- Outline planning permission granted – waiting on section 106 agreement to be finalised with county and South Cambridgeshire District Council, which is expected in the coming months.
- Next steps – delivery -
- Design codes
- Reserved matters apps
- Pre-commencement conditions including opening of the railway station
- RLW are currently working with the GCP to open the station who are currently working through the PACE (Project Acceleration in a Controlled Environment) process. This has replaced the GRIP process (Governance for Railway Investment Projects).
Q: What mitigation measures are being put in place around Bottisham lock?
A: We are currently undertaking intense discussions around footpaths to encourage appropriate walking. Very aware of the sensitivity and trying to balance the approach so as to not disturb the site.
Q: How likely are you to use Cody Road for construction traffic?
A: It is not likely that Cody Road will be used for construction access. There will be a requirement to submit an Environment and Traffic Management Plan with the railway application. This will decide what is appropriate and how access will be granted.
Q: The RLWE committee recommendation included permission for 80 homes to be built prior to the opening of the relocation railway station. How will the site be accessed to build these homes?
A: This is incorrect. The condition that was recommended by the planning committee stated that there will be no dwellings occupied until the station has been completed and is open for use.
Greater Cambridge Partnership - Paul McGuigan, Project Manager
GCP Station Relocation presentation
- WSP has been retained as design consultant
- Approaching GRIP Stage 3; Engineering Stage 4 - At the end approval for preliminary design (before detailed design)
- Engage with Network Rail – Basic Asset Protection agreement
- Stakeholder planning
- Project development phases
- This project will have significant interfaces with other local projects and infrastructure –
- Green way
- Busway
- Anglian Water
- RLWE development and Station Quarter
- Summer 2023 for detailed programme and baseline set of requirements -
- Integrated schedule to be developed
- Tenders to end of 2023
- Detailed design 2024
- Main construction 2025
- Open in December 2025
- Once the new station is open, the statutory station closure process can commence -
- There is a consultation period attached to this
- Old station won’t close until new station is open and operational
Q: Who will have access to the Cody Road leading into the station?
A: Cody Road and the new access road will provide direct access to the station from the existing village.
A: Is there alternative access to the station, platform and car park?
A: We are in very early stages of the design process. We are taking into account accessibility access. A footbridge is a possibility, but may not be the final solution.
Q: What style of station is proposed?
A: The station is likely to consist of 2 platforms, footbridge with lifts, southern car park, drop off, cycle storage and an access road.
Q: Who will fund the station building? Who will pay for the decommissioning of the current railway station? Will developer require additional funding to complete the relocation and decommissioning process?
A: It is not proposed to provide a station building. An interchange building will be provided by the adjacent developer in the future. The funding for the building is separate to the £37 million.
A baseline cost plan and cost risk assessment were prepared to arrive at the figure of £37 million. This figure includes all costs associated with designing and building the railway station, decommissioning of exiting station with appropriate level of contingency. The rail industry requires this and is the reason for the substantial figure.
Q: Who will cover for any excess?
A: RLWE and GCP as funders of the station.
Q: Who will oversee the delivery process?
A: Planning authority can enforce requirements and conditions that relate to planning.
Q: Will the design take into account displaced parking?
A: A 200 space (southern) car park will be provided with a larger (northern) car park provided by the developer in the future.