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Drainage and sewage maintenance

Drainage and sewage maintenance

We do not upkeep the drainage system, however if public health is put at risk by poorly maintained drains, we have the ability to insist that any necessary works are carried out.

Private property

Our Health and Environmental Services can insist that the property owner maintains the drainage.

You can call 03450 450 063 (8am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday).

Council property

Our Housing Services will fix any serious drainage problem.

You can call 03450 450 051 (8am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday).

Public mains

Anglian Water are responsible for the upkeep and any problems with mains drains and sewerage. Any issues should be reported to them.

You can call them on 03457 145 145 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Land drainage

Land drainage is usually the responsibility of the landowner. In some rare cases it may be that the drains upkeep has been passed onto us.

If you are not sure please contact Health and Environmental Services and ask for the Drainage Manager (see contact details below).

Awarded watercourses are a network of drainage ditches throughout the district for which the council is responsible for the maintenance of.

If you have any questions relating to an awarded watercourse please contact the Drainage Manager at Health & Environmental Services.

Highway drainage (roads/ pavements)

Cambridgeshire County Council is responsible for maintaining road drainage systems to reduce the risk of standing water on roads and pavements.  If a surface water drain is blocked please report this to Cambridgeshire County Council.

Works or changes to watercourses

You must seek permission from Cambridgeshire County Council for any works or changes to watercourses.

If your plans involve connecting to a watercourse, contact us on

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