Land contamination
Contaminated land is land which has substances that can cause major harm or is likely to cause significant pollution to controlled waters.
To meet the definition of contaminated land, it must involve the following:
- contaminant
- pathway
- receptor.
Environmental search
To find out whether a piece of land might be affected by contamination, you can request us to carry out an Environmental Search.
Request an environmental search
For questions such as historical land use, adjacent uses or previous investigations, then a £150 fee will need to be paid.
A fee does not need to be paid for requests that only ask whether a site has been highlighted for further investigation under Part II A of the Environmental Protection Act.
Please upload a site plan to confirm the extent of the land that you are asking about.
Our responsibilites
We are responsible for enforcing the contaminated land legislation.
Specialists within Health and Environmental Services act as advisers on land contamination issues. This includes:
- supplying information
- assessing if site investigations and remedial measures are completed properly.
Our duty
As part of our duties we will:
- carry out inspections of all land within the district that may be contaminated
- ensure that developed land is suitable for its use
- keep a public register of designated contaminated land sites.
Our Public Register of the remediation of contaminated land is now available:
We have published an updated Contaminated Land Strategy [PDF, 0.6MB] setting out how it will carry out these duties.
The public register does not include:
- details of historic land use and other information used in the identification and investigation of potentially contaminated land
- information on sites that have been remediated through the planning and development control process.
Land Contamination and Planning Applications
The actual or potential presence of contamination is a material planning consideration. Contaminated land should be considered and assessed in line with government/industry best practice and technical guidance.
Please read our District Design Guide: High Quality and Sustainable Development in South Cambridgeshire supplementary planning document for more information:
Chapter 10 - Environmental Health & Appendix 5: Development of Potentially Contaminated Sites.
More information
Further information can be found in the documents below: