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Safety and security

man cooking in the kitchen

Your home's safety and security is very important. There are some laws, processes and procedures that we follow and put in place for the safety of tenants.

There are also some actions that you can take to help keep your home safe.


All the homes we manage are fitted with secure doors and windows. 

Most burglaries are opportunistic - they take place when an opportunity is presented to the thief. The best way to prevent burglaries is to prevent opportunities, and:

  • keep doors, windows, and gates shut and locked
  • leave a light on when away in the evening so that passers-by think someone is at home
  • avoid leaving "I'm out" signs, such as for family and delivery people

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Home contents insurance

Your tenancy agreement does not cover the insurance of your home contents. It is your responsibility to have home contents insurance to cover the cost of replacing your belongings in the event of a fire, theft, or damage.

Watch the Association of Safety and Compliance Professionals (ASCP) and CORGI Technical Services 'Safety in Your Home' video below for information on how to keep yourself safe and how to regularly check for repairs in your home.   


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Fire safety

Smoke alarms

Your home's smoke alarm could save you and your families life. It is important to make sure that it is working properly, so that you are alerted in case of emergency. 

Keep your smoke alarm in top condition by: 

  • testing your alarm weekly
  • cleaning the alarm twice a year with a vacuum cleaner (the soft-brush attachment)
  • changing the alarm's battery each year
  • making sure no one tampers with your alarm
  • if you are concerned that your alarm may be faulty, report it online or call 0800 085 1313

Communal areas

Keep yourself and your neighbours safe and don't store personal possessions in your communal areas. These can get in the way of an escape during an emergency and pose a fire risk. 

Solid fuel heating 

We carry out an annual safety checks and sweep your chimney.

Gas safety and fumes

Your gas heating appliances are serviced annually.

If you suspect a gas leak or smell of fumes, call the National Grid immediately on 0800 111 999.

Open the windows to get clean air in and turn off your gas supply at the meter. Do not operate switches as a spark could ignite a gas leak.

Gas appliances

We are unable to service your own gas appliances, such as cookers and gas fires. However, our gas contractor will carry out and document a visual inspection to make sure your appliance is safe to use, and inform you of any defects. The appliance may be disconnected from the gas supply as a safety precaution, if needed.

Oil, solid fuel and air-source heat pump inspections

We carry out annual inspections and safety checks for oil, solid fuel and air-source heat pump systems to make sure they are working correctly and efficiently.

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Electrical safety

Almost half of all home fires in the UK are caused by electricity, which is why it is important to treat electricity with care and respect.

Keep yourself and your family safe and: woman doing laundry

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Please check your Tenants' handbook [PDF, 3.5MB]for more information on safety and security for your home.

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