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Bourn Airfield SPD

What is the Bourn Airfield New Village SPD about? 

The Bourn Airfield New Village Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) [PDF, 14.5MB] is about land at Bourn Airfield.

The Bourn Airfield New Village SPD provides additional detail and guidance about the development and delivery of the new village.

Adoption of the Bourn Airfield New Village SPD

We adopted the Bourn Airfield New Village SPD on 2 October 2019. The SPD supplements Policy SS/7 of the Local Plan and is a material consideration in determining planning applications for the new village.

The adopted SPD takes into consideration comments received during a public consultation. The Statement of Consultation [DOCX, 0.2MB] includes a summary of comments and our responses.

Adoption Documents

Why has a Supplementary Planning Document been prepared for the Bourn Airfield New Village?

Bourn Airfield has been allocated in the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018) for the development of a new village of approximately 3,500 homes, together with associated community facilities and infrastructure improvements.

The Bourn Airfield New Village SPD expands upon Local Plan Policy SS/7. It does not include any new policies or site allocations.

It gives guidance on environmental, social and economic planning issues and aims to help in determining planning applications and to help interpret national policy and guidance and provides support to relevant local planning policies.

The SPD is a material consideration to the determination of planning applications for the site.