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Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD

Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD [PDF, 9MB] – adopted November 2016

Adoption and Maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems in South Cambridgeshire  [PDF, 0.2MB]– agreed in November 2016 as Council Policy to be used as a material consideration when considering planning applications

The SPD was re-adopted by South Cambridgeshire District Council in November 2018 and by the Cambridge City Council in December 2018.

What is the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD?

There will be much new development in Cambridgeshire over the next 20 years and beyond. To reduce the impact of these developments on the water environment new development must be appropriately located, well designed, and managed so as to take account of climate change and flood risk.

The Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD [PDF, 9MB] has been prepared by Cambridgeshire County Council along with the other Cambridgeshire local planning authorities.

The SPD gives guidance on how to design new developments to manage and lessen flood risk and include sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). SuDS mimic natural drainage to manage surface water run-off and can also deliver wider benefits such as providing green areas for biodiversity and recreation.

Chapter 6 of the SPD (section 6.9) sets out guidance on the adoption and maintenance of SuDS. South Cambridgeshire District Council will not generally adopt or maintain SuDS, so the Adoption and Maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems in South Cambridgeshire [PDF, 0.2MB] sets out what needs to be provided by an applicant as part of any planning application in South Cambridgeshire that includes SuDS to show that suitable adoption and maintenance arrangements are in place.

Latest News on the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD

We adopted the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD [PDF, 9MB] on 8 November 2016. The Adoption and Maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems in South Cambridgeshire [PDF, 0.2MB] was agreed in November 2016 as Council Policy to be used as a material consideration when considering planning applications.

The adopted SPD takes account of comments received in the public consultation. A schedule of all representations received is provided in Annex B of the Consultation Statement [PDF, 1.5MB]

The SPD has been subject to Sustainability Appraisal [PDF, 0.2MB]Habitats Regulations Assessment [PDF, 0.3MB] and Equality Impact Assessment [PDF, 0.2MB].

Cambridgeshire County Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority, endorsed the SPD in July 2016, but will not formally be adopting the SPD. East Cambridgeshire District Council, Fenland District Council and Huntingdonshire District Council adopted the Member(s) at Cambridge City Council agreed the responses to the consultation and proposed changes to the SPD in December 2016, with a recommendation that the SPD is adopted alongside their Local Plan.

Adoption Documents

If you have any questions about the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD, please contact the Planning Policy Team at or call us on 01954 713183.