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Examination - Written statements for Matter SC2

Written Statements for Matter SC2: Climate Change

The following Hearing Statements have been submitted to the Inspector by respondents who will be participating in the hearing session(s) for Matter SC2: Climate Change.

Implementation of Policy CC/3: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy in New Developments

At the Matter SC2: Climate Change hearing session on 1 November 2016 and in response to the discussion between participants, the Inspector asked the Council to submit further information in writing explaining the implementation of Policy CC/3: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy in New Developments. The Council submitted a supplement to its Matter SC2: Climate Change hearing statement in November 2016: South Cambridgeshire District Council: Supplement 1 - Implementation of Policy CC/3 [PDF, 0.3MB]

The Inspector offered the other participants the opportunity to comment on the Council's supplement and the following comments were received: