Examination - Written statements for Matter SC7
Written Statements for Matter SC7: Building a Strong and Competitive Economy
The following Hearing Statements have been submitted to the Inspector by respondents who will be participating in the hearing session(s) for Matter SC7: Building a Strong and Competitive Economy.
- SC7/SCDC: South Cambridgeshire District Council
- SC7/SCDC-Supplement 1: South Cambridgeshire District Council (Supplement 1) [PDF, 1MB]
- SC7/SCDC-Supplement 2: South Cambridgeshire District Council (Supplement 2) [PDF, 5.5MB]
- SC7-20942: Cambridge Past Present and Future
- SC7-25199: John Meed [PDF, 7MB]
- SC7-20801:
- Pigeon Land (Statement and Appendix 1) [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Pigeon Land (Appendix 2) [PDF, 2.5MB]
- Pigeon Land (Appendix 3) [PDF, 1MB]
- Pigeon Land (Appendix 4) [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Pigeon Land (Appendix 5) [PDF, 3.5MB]
- Pigeon Land (Appendix 6) [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Pigeon Land (Appendix 7) [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Pigeon Land (Appendix 8) [PDF, 6MB]
- Pigeon Land (Appendix 9) [PDF, 0.6MB]
- SC7-20801-Supplement 1: Pigeon Land (Supplement 1)
- SC7-17653: Commercial Estates Group
- SC7-18002: Smithson Hill (formerly Hinxton Land)