Local Plan Examination: Written statements
An overview of the examination process is available on the Examination homepage.
Written Statements
Written statements are submitted by the Councils and objectors in response to the Inspector’s Matters and Issues and may include Statements of Common Ground.
Written statements are subject to a 3,000 word limit - see note about statements being submitted by participants in hearing sessions [PDF, 40Kb]
Written Statements for joint hearing sessions (block 1)
- Matter 1: Legal Process and Requirements
- Matter 2: Overall Spatial Vision and General Issues
- Matter 3: Housing Need
- Matter 4: Employment and Retail
- Matter 5: Infrastructure / Monitoring / Viability
Written Statements for joint hearing sessions (block 2)
Written Statements for joint hearing sessions (block 3)
Written Statements for joint hearing sessions (block 4)
Written Statements for joint hearing sessions (block 5)
Written Statements for South Cambridgeshire only hearing sessions (blocks 8 & 9)
- Matter SC2: Climate Change
- Matter SC5: Delivering High Quality Homes
- Matter SC8: Promoting Successful Communities
Written Statements for South Cambridgeshire only hearing sessions (blocks 10 & 11)
- Matter SC3: Delivering High Quality Places
- Matter SC4: Protecting and Enhancing the Natural and Historic Environment
- Matter SC7: Building a Strong and Competitive Economy
Written Statements for South Cambridgeshire only hearing sessions (block 12)
Written Statements for South Cambridgeshire only hearing sessions (block 14)
Written Statements for joint hearing sessions and South Cambridgeshire only hearing sessions (block 15)
- Matter SC9: Omission Site - Land north of A428, Cambourne
- Matter SC10: South Cambridgeshire Local Plan - Issues not dealt with elsewhere
- Matter 10: Policies for Travellers/Caravan Dwellers and Travelling Showpeople
- Matter M11: Joint Omission Sites on the Edge of Cambridge
Written Statements for Cambridge City only hearing sessions
- Written statements relating to Cambridge City only hearing sessions are published on Cambridge City Council's Local Plan Examination Written Statements webpage.
All correspondence relating to the examination should be via the Programme Officer (Gloria Alexander):
- email: programme.officer@scambs.gov.uk
- mobile: 07803 202578