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Main Modifications to the Local Plans (January to February 2018)

Main Modifications to the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan and Cambridge Local Plan

Public consultation on Main Modifications to the Plan (and associated Sustainability Appraisal of the Main Modifications) has now ended.

Representations received have been published, and you can see them on the pages below:

The Statement of Consultation [PDF, 0.7MB] provides a summary of the representation received.

What happens next?

The representations (in full) received were given to the Inspectors doing the examination.

The Inspectors will consider all the comments received and will decide whether any further hearings are necessary, or any issues need to be revisited. At the end of the examination process the Inspectors will present their final conclusions in their Reports into the examination of each Local Plan. If the plans are found ‘sound’, with any necessary modifications, they can be adopted.

The Main Modifications Consultation Report explains the purpose of the consultation and includes schedules of modifications for each Local Plan. A summary of the issues addressed in the Main Modifications for each Local Plan is outlined in Chapter 3 of the Main Modifications Consultation Report.

Consultation Documents

Further Information

If you would like further information, please contact the Planning Policy Teams: