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About Waterbeach New Town

Waterbeach new town photograph

Waterbeach new town was allocated for development in the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan in 2018.

Further guidance for the new town is in the form of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). 

The SPD provides guidance about how the new town should be designed, developed and delivered consistent with the Local Plan. 

The new town is being developed in 2 parts. The western half comprises the former army barracks. The eastern half comprises land to the east of the former barracks.

In September 2019 outline planning permission was granted for up to 6500 dwellings on the former barracks site (ref S/0559/17/OL). This site will be delivered in phases. The Design Code for the first phase of the development (for up to 1600 homes) was approved in June 2020. Development of the first phase of infrastructure has commenced and the first housing development scheme was approved in July 2021.

Find out more about the eastern and western parts of the new town.

How can I view the Waterbeach planning application?

The easiest way for you to view the plans is to visit and search for the planning applications using the application reference numbers:

S/0559/17/OL- Outline Planning Application for up to 6500 dwellings and associated other uses and infrastructure – U&C

S/2075/18/OL – Outline Planning Application for up to 4500 dwellings and associated other uses and infrastructure - RLW

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